{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- | A newtype around a list of Strings which represent the usernames -- to watch. This is all to avoid an orphan instance of Configured -- for [String] if we had defined one in e.g. OptionalConfiguration. -- module Usernames ( Usernames(..) ) where -- DC is needed only for the DCT.Configured instance of String. import qualified Data.Configurator as DC() import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as DCT import Data.Data ( Data ) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) newtype Usernames = Usernames { get_usernames :: [String] } deriving (Data, Show, Typeable) instance Default Usernames where def = Usernames [] instance DCT.Configured Usernames where convert (DCT.List xs) = fmap Usernames (mapM convert_string xs) where convert_string :: DCT.Value -> Maybe String convert_string = DCT.convert convert _ = Nothing