module Mail where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Data.List (intercalate) import System.Exit import System.Process import System.IO type Header = String data Message = Message { headers :: [Header], subject :: String, body :: String, from :: String, to :: String } deriving (Eq) instance Show Message where show m = concat [ if (length (headers m) == 0) then "" else (intercalate "\n" (headers m)) ++ "\n", "Subject: " ++ (subject m) ++ "\n", "From: " ++ (from m) ++ "\n", "To: " ++ (to m) ++ "\n", "\n", (body m) ] sendmail :: Message -> IO (String, String, ExitCode) sendmail message = do let sendmail_args = ["-f", (from message)] (inh, outh, errh, ph) <- runInteractiveProcess "/usr/bin/sendmail" sendmail_args Nothing Nothing outm <- newEmptyMVar outs <- hGetContents outh errm <- newEmptyMVar errs <- hGetContents errh forkIO $ hPutStr inh (show message) >> hClose inh forkIO $ evaluate (length outs) >> putMVar outm () forkIO $ evaluate (length errs) >> putMVar errm () readMVar outm readMVar errm ec <- waitForProcess ph return (outs, errs, ec) print_sendmail_result :: (String, String, ExitCode) -> IO () print_sendmail_result (outs, errs, ec) = do case ec of ExitSuccess -> return () _ -> putStrLn $ concat ["Output: " ++ outs, "\nErrors: " ++ errs, "\nExit Code: " ++ (show ec)]