""" Geometry classes and functions. We don't want to rely completely on some huge third-party library, nor do we want implement everything from scratch. We use Shapely for the hard stuff (Geos integration), and wrap its classes with our own. """ from math import sqrt import os import site import sys # Basically, add '../src' and '../lib/Shapely' to our path. # Needed for the imports that follow. site.addsitedir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../src') site.addsitedir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../lib/Shapely') import shapely.geometry import shapely.wkt class TwoVector: """ Represents a two-dimensional vector. """ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0): self.x = x self.y = y def __hash__(self): """ We have to define __hash__ in order to override __eq__. Just return the hash of our ordered pair. """ return (self.x, self.y).__hash__() def __eq__(self, v): """ We would like to override equality to compare against our underlying ordered pair. """ if (v == None): return False if isinstance (v, TwoVector): return ( (self.x == v.x) and (self.y == v.y) ) # If it's not a TwoVector, assume that it's a tuple. if (len(v) > 1): return (self.x == v[0]) and (self.y == v[1]) # If v is neither a TwoVector nor a tuple, we ain't it. return False def __str__(self): """ Print the contents of our ordered pair. """ return "TwoVector<%d, %d>" % (self.x, self.y) def to_tuple(self): """ Returns the two-tuple underlying this TwoVector. """ return (self.x, self.y) def perpendicular(self): """ Return a vector perpendicular to ourself. """ return TwoVector(-self.y, self.x) def dot_product(self, other_vector): """ Return the dot product of this vector with other_vector. """ return (self.x * other_vector.x) + (self.y * other_vector.y) def add(self, other_vector): """ Add other_vector to this vector, and return a new TwoVector containing the result. """ return TwoVector(self.x + other_vector.x, self.y + other_vector.y) class Polygon: """ Wraps shapely.geometry.Polygon. """ def __init__(self, points=None): """ We can initialize from either a set of two-tuples, or a set of TwoVectors. """ if (points == None): return # Is the first element of points a TwoVector? if ( (len(points) > 0) and isinstance(points[0], TwoVector) ): # If so, convert points to a list of two-tuples. points = map ( (lambda p: p.to_tuple()), points ) self._shapely_polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(points) def __eq__(self, p): """ Override equality to test whether or not our boundary is equal to the passed polygon's boundary. """ if (p == None): return False # Shapely polygon exteriors know how to compare themselves. ext1 = self._shapely_polygon.exterior if isinstance(p, Polygon): ext2 = p._shapely_polygon.exterior return ext1.equals(ext2) elif isinstance(p, shapely.geometry.Polygon): return ext1.equals(p) else: return False def __hash__(self): """ Needed when we implement __eq__. Delegate it to our shapely.geometry.Polygon. """ return self._shapely_polygon.__hash__() def __str__(self): """ Write out the well-known text representation of this polygon. """ return "Geometry.Polygon<%s>" % self._shapely_polygon.to_wkt() @classmethod def from_shapely(self, shapely_polygon): """ Create a Geometry.Polygon from the shapely.geometry.Polygon. """ p = Polygon() p._shapely_polygon = shapely_polygon return p def coords(self): """ An alias to retrieve our coordinates. """ tuples = self._shapely_polygon.exterior.coords vectors = map ( (lambda v: TwoVector(v[0], v[1])), tuples) return vectors def union(self, other_polygon): """ Return a new Polygon representing the union of this polygon and other_polygon. """ # First, get the union of self and other_polygon as a # shapely.geometry.Polygon. u = self._shapely_polygon.union(other_polygon._shapely_polygon) # Then, create a new Geometry.Polygon from that union. return Polygon.from_shapely(u) def translate(self, v): """ Translate the self polygon by the TwoVector v. """ regular_coords = self.coords() f = (lambda p: p.add(v)) translated_coords = map(f, regular_coords) return Polygon(translated_coords) def drag_vertices(self, v): """ The vector v is that vector along which we are 'dragging' the polygon. If we are dragging from p1 = (x1,y1) to p2 = (x2,y2), then v = (x2-x1, y2-y1). The 'drag' vertices of a polygon are those two vertices which are most/least in the direction of the v_perp. """ v_perp = v.perpendicular() current_min_vertex = self.coords()[0] current_max_vertex = self.coords()[0] for w in self.coords(): if (w.dot_product(v_perp) < current_min_vertex.dot_product(v_perp)): current_min_vertex = w if (w.dot_product(v_perp) > current_max_vertex.dot_product(v_perp)): current_max_vertex = w return [current_min_vertex, current_max_vertex] @staticmethod def from_wkt(text): """ Create a Polygon from a Well-Known Text string. """ # The WKT string must contain the word "polygon" at least. # Ex: POLYGON((1 1,5 1,5 5,1 5,1 1),(2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 3,2 2)) if (text.lower().find('polygon') == -1): return None return shapely.wkt.loads(text) def drag_rectangle(self, v): """ When we dtag a polygon in the plane, we drag it from its starting position to some terminal position. Since there are two 'drag vertices' on the polygon, we have two points corresponding to the drag vertices at both the initial location and the terminal location. From these four points, we can form a rectangle. """ initial_dv = self.drag_vertices(v) terminal_dv = [0, 0] # Just initializing it. terminal_dv[0] = initial_dv[0].add(v) terminal_dv[1] = initial_dv[1].add(v) return Polygon( (initial_dv[1], initial_dv[0], terminal_dv[0], terminal_dv[1]) ) def drag(self, v): """ Drag this polygon along the vector v = (x2-x1, y2-y1), and return the new polygon consisting of the union of all points that we've contained along the way. """ terminal_p = self.translate(v) dv_rect = self.drag_rectangle(v) return self.union(dv_rect).union(terminal_p)