DB_NAME=census DB_USER=postgres TIGER_SRID=4269 # Dark magic. We set these makefile variables to be the result of the # 'shell' function. The shell function, in turn, executes a Python # script which determines the locations of these files. SHP2PGSQL := $(shell bin/find_file_paths --root /usr --single shp2pgsql) POSTGIS_SQL := $(shell bin/find_file_paths --root /usr lwpostgis.sql postgis.sql) SPATIAL_REF_SYS_SQL := $(shell bin/find_file_paths --root /usr spatial_ref_sys.sql) # Necessary to run test/data without prerequisites. # .PHONY : test data lib # The default task, since it comes first in the list. # all: clean lib test test: ./bin/run_tests # Download or check out any third-party libraries. lib: make -C lib/ # Remove byte-compiled python code. # clean: find ./ -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f data: bin/download_data # There is a small issue here with the blocks_db and lines_db # targets. Each of these requires that the database exists, and might # therefore depend on the newdb target. However, if /each/ of them # depends on newdb, the database will be dropped twice and the data # from one of {blocks, lines} would be lost. # # We therefore assume that the database already exists when blocks_db # or lines_db are initiated. blocks_db: data blocks_table # All Blocks # # The table already exists, so we can append to it, and we don't have # to create the GiST index. for state in data/census2000/*; do \ $(SHP2PGSQL) \ -a \ -s $(TIGER_SRID) \ -D \ $$state/blocks/*.shp \ tiger_blocks \ | psql -U $(DB_USER) -d $(DB_NAME); \ done; # Summary File 1 # # Run all of the geo (uf1) files through the import script. This has # to happen after the blocks import since we impose a foreign key # restriction. for state in data/census2000/*; do \ bin/sf1blocks2sql $$state/sf1/*.uf1 sf1_blocks \ | psql -U $(DB_USER) -d $(DB_NAME) \ > /dev/null; \ done; # Run the query to combine the two blocks tables, and drop the # constituents. psql -U $(DB_USER) \ -d $(DB_NAME) \ -f sql/combine-block-tables.sql lines_db: data tiger_lines_table # All Lines # # Since the table and index already exist, we can utilize -a, # and leave -I out. for state in data/census2000/*; do \ for shapefile in $$state/lines/*.shp; do \ echo "Importing $$shapefile."; \ $(SHP2PGSQL) \ -a \ -s $(TIGER_SRID) \ $$shapefile \ tiger_lines \ | bin/filter-transactions \ | psql -U $(DB_USER) -d $(DB_NAME) \ > /dev/null; \ done; \ done; # This imports the Tiger data using shp2pgsql. The shapefiles # should exist, since this task depends on the "data" task, which # downloads said shapefiles. # # After the TIGER import is done, we use the sf1blocks2sql script to # parse and import the geographic header record information. # db: newdb blocks_data lines_data # Do nothing except fulfill our prerequisites. # First, we drop and re-create the DB_NAME database (or schema, # whatever). Then, we add PL/pgSQL support to the database. # # At that point, we import the two PostGIS files, postgis.sql and # spatial_ref_sys.sql. The postgis.sql file contains the geometry # functions, while spatial_ref_sys.sql contains a table of SRIDs, and # their associated properties. PostGIS requires both. # newdb: # Ignore the result of dropdb when it fails. dropdb -U $(DB_USER) $(DB_NAME) || true createdb -U $(DB_USER) $(DB_NAME) createlang -U $(DB_USER) plpgsql $(DB_NAME) psql -d $(DB_NAME) \ -U $(DB_USER) \ -f $(POSTGIS_SQL) \ > /dev/null psql -d $(DB_NAME) \ -U $(DB_USER) \ -f $(SPATIAL_REF_SYS_SQL) \ > /dev/null # This just runs the SQL script to create the sf1_blocks table. sf1_blocks_table: psql -d $(DB_NAME) \ -U $(DB_USER) \ -f sql/create-sf1_blocks-table.sql \ > /dev/null # Create the tiger_blocks table, and create its GiST index. Having the # table already exist makes importing via shp2pgsql much easier. # Any blocks file will work as an argument. tiger_blocks_table: $(SHP2PGSQL) \ -p \ -I \ -s $(TIGER_SRID) \ data/census2000/maryland/blocks/tl_2009_24_tabblock00.shp \ tiger_blocks \ | psql -U $(DB_USER) -d $(DB_NAME) \ > /dev/null # Create the "blocks" table, which is the result of joining # the tiger_blocks and sf1_blocks tables. blocks_table: tiger_blocks_table sf1_blocks_table psql -U $(DB_USER) \ -d $(DB_NAME) \ -f sql/create-blocks-table.sql # Prepare the tiger_lines table, and create the GiST index on its # geometry column. Any lines shapefile will do here. tiger_lines_table: $(SHP2PGSQL) \ -p \ -I \ -s $(TIGER_SRID) \ data/census2000/maryland/lines/tl_2009_24510_edges.shp \ tiger_lines \ | psql -U $(DB_USER) -d $(DB_NAME) \ > /dev/null # Add a unique index on the "tlid" column. psql -U $(DB_USER) \ -d $(DB_NAME) \ -f sql/create_tlid_unique_index.sql