require 'test/unit' # Modified a little to run from the whatever-dl test suite. require (File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/progressbar') class ProgressBarTest < Test::Unit::TestCase SleepUnit = 0.01 def do_make_progress_bar (title, total), total) end def test_bytes total = 1024 * 1024 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(bytes)", total) pbar.file_transfer_mode 0.step(total, 2**14) {|x| pbar.set(x) sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.finish end def test_clear total = 100 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(clear)", total) total.times { sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.clear puts end def test_halt total = 100 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(halt)", total) (total / 2).times { sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.halt end def test_inc total = 100 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(inc)", total) total.times { sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.finish end def test_inc_x # Modified a little to run from the whatever-dl test suite. pbar_file_path = (File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/progressbar.rb') total = File.size(pbar_file_path) pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(inc(x))", total) {|line| sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.finish end def test_invalid_set total = 100 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(invalid set)", total) begin pbar.set(200) rescue RuntimeError => e puts e.message end end def test_set total = 1000 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(set)", total) ( {|x| x % 10 == 0}.each {|x| sleep(SleepUnit) pbar.set(x) } pbar.finish end def test_slow total = 100000 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(slow)", total) 0.step(500, 1) {|x| pbar.set(x) sleep(SleepUnit) } pbar.halt end def test_total_zero total = 0 pbar = do_make_progress_bar("test(total=0)", total) pbar.finish end end class ReversedProgressBarTest < ProgressBarTest def do_make_progress_bar (title, total), total) end end