""" Utility functions for working with CVXOPT matrices (instances of the class:`cvxopt.base.matrix` class). """ from copy import copy from math import sqrt from cvxopt import matrix from cvxopt.lapack import gees, syevr import options def append_col(left, right): """ Append two matrices side-by-side. Parameters ---------- left, right : matrix The two matrices to append to one another. Returns ------- matrix A new matrix consisting of ``right`` appended to the right of ``left``. Examples -------- >>> A = matrix([1,2,3,4], (2,2)) >>> B = matrix([5,6,7,8,9,10], (2,3)) >>> print(A) [ 1 3] [ 2 4] >>> print(B) [ 5 7 9] [ 6 8 10] >>> print(append_col(A,B)) [ 1 3 5 7 9] [ 2 4 6 8 10] """ return matrix([left.trans(), right.trans()]).trans() def append_row(top, bottom): """ Append two matrices top-to-bottom. Parameters ---------- top, bottom : matrix The two matrices to append to one another. Returns ------- matrix A new matrix consisting of ``bottom`` appended below ``top``. Examples -------- >>> A = matrix([1,2,3,4], (2,2)) >>> B = matrix([5,6,7,8,9,10], (3,2)) >>> print(A) [ 1 3] [ 2 4] >>> print(B) [ 5 8] [ 6 9] [ 7 10] >>> print(append_row(A,B)) [ 1 3] [ 2 4] [ 5 8] [ 6 9] [ 7 10] """ return matrix([top, bottom]) def eigenvalues(symmat): """ Return the eigenvalues of the given symmetric real matrix. On the surface, this appears redundant to the :func:`eigenvalues_re` function. However, if we know in advance that our input is symmetric, a better algorithm can be used. Parameters ---------- symmat : matrix The real symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues you want. Returns ------- list of float A list of the eigenvalues (in no particular order) of ``symmat``. Raises ------ TypeError If the input matrix is not symmetric. Examples -------- >>> A = matrix([[2,1],[1,2]], tc='d') >>> eigenvalues(A) [1.0, 3.0] If the input matrix is not symmetric, it may not have real eigenvalues, and we don't know what to do:: >>> A = matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) >>> eigenvalues(A) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: input must be a symmetric real matrix """ if not norm(symmat.trans() - symmat) < options.ABS_TOL: # Ensure that ``symmat`` is symmetric (and thus square). raise TypeError('input must be a symmetric real matrix') domain_dim = symmat.size[0] eigs = matrix(0, (domain_dim, 1), tc='d') syevr(symmat, eigs) return list(eigs) def eigenvalues_re(anymat): """ Return the real parts of the eigenvalues of the given square matrix. Parameters ---------- anymat : matrix The square matrix whose eigenvalues you want. Returns ------- list of float A list of the real parts (in no particular order) of the eigenvalues of ``anymat``. Raises ------ TypeError If the input matrix is not square. Examples -------- This is symmetric and has two real eigenvalues: >>> A = matrix([[2,1],[1,2]], tc='d') >>> sorted(eigenvalues_re(A)) [1.0, 3.0] But this rotation matrix has eigenvalues `i` and `-i`, both of whose real parts are zero: >>> A = matrix([[0,-1],[1,0]]) >>> eigenvalues_re(A) [0.0, 0.0] If the input matrix is not square, it doesn't have eigenvalues:: >>> A = matrix([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) >>> eigenvalues_re(A) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: input matrix must be square """ if not anymat.size[0] == anymat.size[1]: raise TypeError('input matrix must be square') domain_dim = anymat.size[0] eigs = matrix(0, (domain_dim, 1), tc='z') # Create a copy of ``anymat`` here for two reasons: # # 1. ``gees`` clobbers its input. # 2. We need to ensure that the type code of ``dummy`` is 'd' or 'z'. # dummy = matrix(anymat, anymat.size, tc='d') gees(dummy, eigs) return [eig.real for eig in eigs] def identity(domain_dim): """ Create an identity matrix of the given dimensions. Parameters ---------- domain_dim : int The dimension of the vector space on which the identity will act. Returns ------- matrix A ``domain_dim``-by-``domain_dim`` dense integer identity matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If you ask for the identity on zero or fewer dimensions. Examples -------- >>> print(identity(3)) [ 1 0 0] [ 0 1 0] [ 0 0 1] """ if domain_dim <= 0: raise ValueError('domain dimension must be positive') entries = [int(i == j) for i in range(domain_dim) for j in range(domain_dim)] return matrix(entries, (domain_dim, domain_dim)) def inner_product(vec1, vec2): """ Compute the Euclidean inner product of two vectors. Parameters ---------- vec1, vec2 : matrix The two vectors whose inner product you want. Returns ------- float The inner product of ``vec1`` and ``vec2``. Raises ------ TypeError If the lengths of ``vec1`` and ``vec2`` differ. Examples -------- >>> x = [1,2,3] >>> y = [3,4,1] >>> inner_product(x,y) 14 >>> x = matrix([1,1,1]) >>> y = matrix([2,3,4], (1,3)) >>> inner_product(x,y) 9 >>> x = [1,2,3] >>> y = [1,1] >>> inner_product(x,y) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: the lengths of vec1 and vec2 must match """ if not len(vec1) == len(vec2): raise TypeError('the lengths of vec1 and vec2 must match') return sum([x*y for (x, y) in zip(vec1, vec2)]) def norm(matrix_or_vector): """ Return the Frobenius norm of a matrix or vector. When the input is a vector, its matrix-Frobenius norm is the same thing as its vector-Euclidean norm. Parameters ---------- matrix_or_vector : matrix The matrix or vector whose norm you want. Returns ------- float The norm of ``matrix_or_vector``. Examples -------- >>> v = matrix([1,1]) >>> print('{:.5f}'.format(norm(v))) 1.41421 >>> A = matrix([1,1,1,1], (2,2)) >>> norm(A) 2.0 """ return sqrt(inner_product(matrix_or_vector, matrix_or_vector)) def vec(mat): """ Create a long vector in column-major order from ``mat``. Parameters ---------- mat : matrix Any sort of real matrix that you want written as a long vector. Returns ------- matrix An ``len(mat)``-by-``1`` long column vector containign the entries of ``mat`` in column major order. Examples -------- >>> A = matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) >>> print(A) [ 1 3] [ 2 4] >>> print(vec(A)) [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] Note that if ``mat`` is a vector, this function is a no-op: >>> v = matrix([1,2,3,4], (4,1)) >>> print(v) [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] >>> print(vec(v)) [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] """ return matrix(mat, (len(mat), 1))