from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from typing import TextIO from djbdns.dnscache import handle_dnscache_log from djbdns.tinydns import handle_tinydns_log def parse_logfile(file : TextIO): r""" Process a single log ``file``. Parameters ---------- file : typing.TextIO An open log file, or stdin. Examples -------- >>> line = "@4000000063227a320c4f3114 7f000001:9d61:be69 - 0001\n" >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: ... _ = f.write(line) >>> f = open(, 'r') >>> parse_logfile(f) 2022-09-14 21:04:40.206516500 dropped query (no authority) from (id 48745): a >>> f.close() >>> from os import remove >>> remove( """ # Open a pipe to tai64nlocal. We'll write lines of our input file # (the log file) to it, and read back the same lines but with # friendly timestamps in them. tai = Popen(["tai64nlocal"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, text=True, bufsize=0) for line in file: tai.stdin.write(line) line = tai.stdout.readline() friendly_line = handle_tinydns_log(line) if not friendly_line: friendly_line = handle_dnscache_log(line) if not friendly_line: friendly_line = line print(friendly_line)