""" There is an explicit isomorphism between all finite-dimensional vector spaces. In particular, there is an isomorphism between the m-by-n matrices and `$R^(m \times n)$`. Since most vector operations are not available on Sage matrices, we have to go back and forth between these two vector spaces often. """ from sage.all import * from sage.matrix.matrix_space import is_MatrixSpace def _mat2vec(m): return vector(m.base_ring(), m.list()) def basis_representation(M): """ Return the forward (``MatrixSpace`` -> ``VectorSpace``) and inverse isometries, as a pair, that take elements of the given ``MatrixSpace`` `M` to their representations as "long vectors," and vice-versa. The argument ``M`` can be either a ``MatrixSpace`` or a basis for a space of matrices. This function is needed because SageMath does not know that matrix spaces are vector spaces, and therefore cannot perform common operations with them -- like computing the basis representation of an element. Moreover, the ability to pass in a basis (rather than a ``MatrixSpace``) is needed because SageMath has no way to express that e.g. a (sub)space of symmetric matrices is itself a ``MatrixSpace``. INPUT: - ``M`` -- Either a ``MatrixSpace``, or a list of matrices that form a basis for a matrix space. OUTPUT: A pair of isometries ``(phi, phi_inv)``. If the matrix space associated with `M` has dimension `n`, then ``phi`` will map its elements to vectors of length `n` over the same base ring. The inverse map ``phi_inv`` reverses that operation. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.matrix_vector import basis_representation EXAMPLES: This function computes the correct coordinate representations (of length 3) for a basis of the space of two-by-two symmetric matrices, the the inverse does indeed invert the process:: sage: E11 = matrix(QQbar,[ [1,0], ....: [0,0] ]) sage: E12 = matrix(QQbar,[ [0, 1/sqrt(2)], ....: [1/sqrt(2), 0] ]) sage: E22 = matrix(QQbar,[ [0,0], ....: [0,1] ]) sage: basis = [E11, E12, E22] sage: phi, phi_inv = basis_representation(basis) sage: phi(E11); phi(E12); phi(E22) (1, 0, 0) (0, 1, 0) (0, 0, 1) sage: phi_inv(phi(E11)) == E11 True sage: phi_inv(phi(E12)) == E12 True sage: phi_inv(phi(E22)) == E22 True MatrixSpace arguments work too:: sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,2) sage: phi, phi_inv = basis_representation(M) sage: X = matrix(QQ, [ [1,2], ....: [3,4] ]) sage: phi(X) (1, 2, 3, 4) sage: phi_inv(phi(X)) == X True TESTS: The inverse is generally an inverse:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: n = ZZ.random_element(10) sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,n) sage: X = M.random_element() sage: (phi, phi_inv) = basis_representation(M) sage: phi_inv(phi(X)) == X True """ if is_MatrixSpace(M): basis_space = M basis = list(M.basis()) else: basis_space = M[0].matrix_space() basis = M def phi(X): """ The isometry sending ``X`` to its representation as a long vector. """ if X not in basis_space: raise ValueError("X does not live in the domain of phi") V = VectorSpace(basis_space.base_ring(), X.nrows()*X.ncols()) W = V.span_of_basis( _mat2vec(s) for s in basis ) return W.coordinate_vector(_mat2vec(X)) def phi_inv(Y): """ The isometry sending the long vector `Y` to an element of either `M` or the span of `M` (depending on whether or not ``M`` is a ``MatrixSpace`` or a basis). """ return basis_space.linear_combination( zip(Y,basis) ) return (phi, phi_inv) def basis_repr_of_operator(M, L): """ Return the matrix of the operator `L` with respect to the basis `M` if `M` is a list of basis vectors for a matrix space; or with respect to the standard basis of `M` if `M` is a ``MatrixSpace``. This function is necessary because SageMath does not know that matrix spaces are vector spaces, and it moreover it doesn't know that (for example) the subspace of symmetric matrices is a matrix space in its own right. Use ``linear_transformation().matrix()`` instead if you have a true ``VectorSpace``. INPUT: - ``M`` -- Either a ``MatrixSpace``, or a list of matrices that form a basis for a matrix space. OUTPUT: If the matrix space associated with `M` has dimension `n`, then an `n`-by-`n` matrix over the same base ring is returned. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.matrix_vector import (basis_representation, ....: basis_repr_of_operator) EXAMPLES: The matrix of the identity operator on the space of two-by-two symmetric matrices is the identity matrix, regardless of the basis:: sage: E11 = matrix(QQbar,[ [1,0], ....: [0,0] ]) sage: E12 = matrix(QQbar,[ [0, 1/sqrt(2)], ....: [1/sqrt(2), 0] ]) sage: E22 = matrix(QQbar,[ [0,0], ....: [0,1] ]) sage: basis = [E11, E12, E22] sage: identity = lambda X: X sage: basis_repr_of_operator(basis, identity) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1] sage: E11 = matrix(QQ,[[2,0],[0,0]]) sage: E12 = matrix(QQ,[[0,2],[2,0]]) sage: basis = [E11, E12, E22] sage: basis_repr_of_operator(basis, identity) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1] A more complicated example confirms that we get a matrix consistent with our ``matrix_to_vector`` function:: sage: M = MatrixSpace(QQ,3,3) sage: Q = M([[0,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]]) sage: def f(x): ....: return Q*x*Q.inverse() ....: sage: F = basis_repr_of_operator(M, f) sage: F [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] sage: phi, phi_inv = basis_representation(M) sage: X = M([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) sage: F*phi(X) == phi(f(X)) True """ if is_MatrixSpace(M): basis_space = M basis = list(M.basis()) else: basis_space = M[0].matrix_space() basis = M (phi, phi_inv) = basis_representation(M) # Get a basis for the image space. Since phi is an isometry, # it takes one basis to another. image_basis = [ phi(b) for b in basis ] # Now construct the image space itself equipped with our custom basis. W = VectorSpace(basis_space.base_ring(), len(basis)) W = W.span_of_basis(image_basis) return matrix.column( W.coordinates(phi(L(b))) for b in basis )