from sage.all import * def rearrangement_cone(p,n): r""" Return the rearrangement cone of order ``p`` in ``n`` dimensions. The rearrangement cone in ``n`` dimensions has as its elements vectors of length ``n``. For inclusion in the cone, the smallest ``p`` components of a vector must sum to a nonnegative number. For example, the rearrangement cone of order ``p == 1`` has its single smallest component nonnegative. This implies that all components are nonnegative, and that therefore the rearrangement cone of order one is the nonnegative orthant. When ``p == n``, the sum of all components of a vector must be nonnegative for inclusion in the cone. That is, the cone is a half-space in ``n`` dimensions. INPUT: - ``p`` -- The number of components to "rearrange." - ``n`` -- The dimension of the ambient space for the resulting cone. OUTPUT: A polyhedral closed convex cone object representing a rearrangement cone of order ``p`` in ``n`` dimensions. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.cone.rearrangement import rearrangement_cone EXAMPLES: The rearrangement cones of order one are nonnegative orthants:: sage: rearrangement_cone(1,1) == Cone([(1,)]) True sage: rearrangement_cone(1,2) == Cone([(0,1),(1,0)]) True sage: rearrangement_cone(1,3) == Cone([(0,0,1),(0,1,0),(1,0,0)]) True When ``p == n``, the resulting cone will be a half-space, so we expect its lineality to be one less than ``n`` because it will contain a hyperplane but is not the entire space:: sage: rearrangement_cone(5,5).lineality() 4 All rearrangement cones are proper:: sage: all([ rearrangement_cone(p,n).is_proper() ....: for n in range(10) ....: for p in range(n) ]) True The Lyapunov rank of the rearrangement cone of order ``p`` in ``n`` dimensions is ``n`` for ``p == 1`` or ``p == n`` and one otherwise:: sage: all([ rearrangement_cone(p,n).lyapunov_rank() == n ....: for n in range(2, 10) ....: for p in [1, n-1] ]) True sage: all([ rearrangement_cone(p,n).lyapunov_rank() == 1 ....: for n in range(3, 10) ....: for p in range(2, n-1) ]) True TESTS: The rearrangement cone is permutation-invariant:: sage: n = ZZ.random_element(2,10).abs() sage: p = ZZ.random_element(1,n) sage: K = rearrangement_cone(p,n) sage: P = SymmetricGroup(n).random_element().matrix() sage: all([ K.contains(P*r) for r in K.rays() ]) True """ def d(j): v = [1]*n # Create the list of all ones... v[j] = 1 - p # Now "fix" the ``j``th entry. return v V = VectorSpace(QQ, n) G = V.basis() + [ d(j) for j in range(n) ] return Cone(G) def has_rearrangement_property(v, p): r""" Test if the vector ``v`` has the "rearrangement property." The rearrangement cone of order ``p`` in `n` dimensions has its members vectors of length `n`. The "rearrangement property," satisfied by its elements, is to have its smallest ``p`` components sum to a nonnegative number. We believe that we have a description of the extreme vectors of the rearrangement cone: see ``rearrangement_cone()``. This function is used to test that conic combinations of those extreme vectors are in fact elements of the rearrangement cone. We can't test all conic combinations, obviously, but we can test a random one. To become more sure of the result, generate a bunch of vectors with ``random_element()`` and test them with this function. INPUT: - ``v`` -- An element of a cone suspected of being the rearrangement cone of order ``p``. - ``p`` -- The suspected order of the rearrangement cone. OUTPUT: If ``v`` has the rearrangement property (that is, if its smallest ``p`` components sum to a nonnegative number), ``True`` is returned. Otherwise ``False`` is returned. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.cone.rearrangement import (has_rearrangement_property, ....: rearrangement_cone) EXAMPLES: Every element of a rearrangement cone should have the property:: sage: for n in range(2,10): ....: for p in range(1, n-1): ....: K = rearrangement_cone(p,n) ....: v = K.random_element() ....: if not has_rearrangement_property(v,p): ....: print(v) """ components = sorted(v)[0:p] return sum(components) >= 0