""" The nonnegative orthant in `\mathbb{Z}^{n}`. I'm sick and tired of typing it. """ from sage.all import * def nonnegative_orthant(n, lattice=None): r""" The nonnegative orthant in ``n`` dimensions. INPUT: - ``n`` -- the dimension of the ambient space. - ``lattice`` -- (default: ``None``) an ambient lattice of rank ``n`` to be passed to the :func:`Cone` constructor. OUTPUT: The convex cone having ``n`` standard basis vectors as its generators. Each generating ray will have the integer ring as its base ring. If a ``lattice`` was specified, then the resulting cone will live in that lattice unless its rank is incompatible with the dimension ``n`` (in which case a ``ValueError`` is raised). SETUP:: sage: from mjo.cone.nonnegative_orthant import nonnegative_orthant EXAMPLES:: sage: nonnegative_orthant(3).rays() N(1, 0, 0), N(0, 1, 0), N(0, 0, 1) in 3-d lattice N TESTS: We can construct the trivial cone as the nonnegative orthant in a trivial vector space:: sage: nonnegative_orthant(0) 0-d cone in 0-d lattice N The nonnegative orthant is a proper cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: n = ZZ.random_element(10) sage: K = nonnegative_orthant(n) sage: K.is_proper() True If a ``lattice`` was given, it is actually used:: sage: L = ToricLattice(3, 'M') sage: nonnegative_orthant(3, lattice=L) 3-d cone in 3-d lattice M Unless the rank of the lattice disagrees with ``n``:: sage: L = ToricLattice(1, 'M') sage: nonnegative_orthant(3, lattice=L) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: lattice rank=1 and dimension n=3 are incompatible """ if lattice is None: lattice = ToricLattice(n) if lattice.rank() != n: raise ValueError('lattice rank=%d and dimension n=%d are incompatible' % (lattice.rank(), n)) I = identity_matrix(ZZ,n) return Cone(I.rows(), lattice)