from sage.all import * def is_lyapunov_like(L,K): r""" Determine whether or not ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K``. We say that ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K`` if `\left\langle L\left\lparenx\right\rparen,s\right\rangle = 0` for all pairs `\left\langle x,s \right\rangle` in the complementarity set of ``K``. It is known [Orlitzky]_ that this property need only be checked for generators of ``K`` and its dual. There are faster ways of checking this property. For example, we could compute a `lyapunov_like_basis` of the cone, and then test whether or not the given matrix is contained in the span of that basis. The value of this function is that it works on symbolic matrices. INPUT: - ``L`` -- A linear transformation or matrix. - ``K`` -- A polyhedral closed convex cone. OUTPUT: ``True`` if it can be proven that ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K``, and ``False`` otherwise. .. WARNING:: If this function returns ``True``, then ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K``. However, if ``False`` is returned, that could mean one of two things. The first is that ``L`` is definitely not Lyapunov-like on ``K``. The second is more of an "I don't know" answer, returned (for example) if we cannot prove that an inner product is zero. REFERENCES: M. Orlitzky. The Lyapunov rank of an improper cone. EXAMPLES: The identity is always Lyapunov-like in a nontrivial space:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=8) sage: L = identity_matrix(K.lattice_dim()) sage: is_lyapunov_like(L,K) True As is the "zero" transformation:: sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=8) sage: R = K.lattice().vector_space().base_ring() sage: L = zero_matrix(R, K.lattice_dim()) sage: is_lyapunov_like(L,K) True Everything in ``K.lyapunov_like_basis()`` should be Lyapunov-like on ``K``:: sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=6) sage: all([ is_lyapunov_like(L,K) for L in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ]) True """ return all([(L*x).inner_product(s) == 0 for (x,s) in K.discrete_complementarity_set()]) def positive_operator_gens(K): r""" Compute generators of the cone of positive operators on this cone. OUTPUT: A list of `n`-by-``n`` matrices where ``n == K.lattice_dim()``. Each matrix ``P`` in the list should have the property that ``P*x`` is an element of ``K`` whenever ``x`` is an element of ``K``. Moreover, any nonnegative linear combination of these matrices shares the same property. REFERENCES: .. [Orlitzky-Pi-Z] M. Orlitzky. Positive and Z-operators on closed convex cones. .. [Tam] B.-S. Tam. Some results of polyhedral cones and simplicial cones. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 4:4 (1977) 281--284. EXAMPLES: Positive operators on the nonnegative orthant are nonnegative matrices:: sage: K = Cone([(1,)]) sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [[1]] sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1)]) sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [ [1 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0], [0 0], [1 0], [0 1] ] The trivial cone in a trivial space has no positive operators:: sage: K = Cone([], ToricLattice(0)) sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [] Every operator is positive on the trivial cone:: sage: K = Cone([(0,)]) sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [[1], [-1]] sage: K = Cone([(0,0)]) sage: K.is_trivial() True sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [ [1 0] [-1 0] [0 1] [ 0 -1] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1] ] Every operator is positive on the ambient vector space:: sage: K = Cone([(1,),(-1,)]) sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [[1], [-1]] sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [ [1 0] [-1 0] [0 1] [ 0 -1] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1] ] A non-obvious application is to find the positive operators on the right half-plane:: sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: positive_operator_gens(K) [ [1 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1] ] TESTS: Each positive operator generator should send the generators of the cone into the cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: all([ K.contains(P*x) for P in pi_of_K for x in K ]) True Each positive operator generator should send a random element of the cone into the cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: all([ K.contains(P*K.random_element(QQ)) for P in pi_of_K ]) True A random element of the positive operator cone should send the generators of the cone into the cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: P = matrix(K.lattice_dim(), pi_cone.random_element(QQ).list()) sage: all([ K.contains(P*x) for x in K ]) True A random element of the positive operator cone should send a random element of the cone into the cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: P = matrix(K.lattice_dim(), pi_cone.random_element(QQ).list()) sage: K.contains(P*K.random_element(ring=QQ)) True The lineality space of the dual of the cone of positive operators can be computed from the lineality spaces of the cone and its dual:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.dual().linear_subspace() sage: U1 = [ vector((s.tensor_product(x)).list()) ....: for x in K.lines() ....: for s in K.dual() ] sage: U2 = [ vector((s.tensor_product(x)).list()) ....: for x in K ....: for s in K.dual().lines() ] sage: expected = pi_cone.lattice().vector_space().span(U1 + U2) sage: actual == expected True The lineality of the dual of the cone of positive operators is known from its lineality space:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: n = K.lattice_dim() sage: m = K.dim() sage: l = K.lineality() sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.dual().lineality() sage: expected = l*(m - l) + m*(n - m) sage: actual == expected True The dimension of the cone of positive operators is given by the corollary in my paper:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: n = K.lattice_dim() sage: m = K.dim() sage: l = K.lineality() sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.dim() sage: expected = n**2 - l*(m - l) - (n - m)*m sage: actual == expected True The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the expected dimensions:: sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs() sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n)) sage: K.is_trivial() True sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.dim() sage: actual == n^2 True sage: K = K.dual() sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.dim() sage: actual == n^2 True sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: actual = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], check=False).dim() sage: actual == 3 True The lineality of the cone of positive operators follows from the description of its generators:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: n = K.lattice_dim() sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality() sage: expected = n**2 - K.dim()*K.dual().dim() sage: actual == expected True The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the expected linealities:: sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs() sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n)) sage: K.is_trivial() True sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality() sage: actual == n^2 True sage: K = K.dual() sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], lattice=L) sage: pi_cone.lineality() == n^2 True sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], check=False) sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality() sage: actual == 2 True A cone is proper if and only if its cone of positive operators is proper:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: K.is_proper() == pi_cone.is_proper() True The positive operators of a permuted cone can be obtained by conjugation:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: p = SymmetricGroup(K.lattice_dim()).random_element().matrix() sage: pK = Cone([ p*k for k in K ], K.lattice(), check=False) sage: pi_of_pK = positive_operator_gens(pK) sage: actual = Cone([t.list() for t in pi_of_pK], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: expected = Cone([(p*t*p.inverse()).list() for t in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual.is_equivalent(expected) True A transformation is positive on a cone if and only if its adjoint is positive on the dual of that cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: F = K.lattice().vector_space().base_field() sage: n = K.lattice_dim() sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2) sage: W = VectorSpace(F, n**2) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: pi_of_K_star = positive_operator_gens(K.dual()) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: pi_star = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K_star], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: M = MatrixSpace(F, n) sage: L = M(pi_cone.random_element(ring=QQ).list()) sage: pi_star.contains(W(L.transpose().list())) True sage: L = W.random_element() sage: L_star = W(M(L.list()).transpose().list()) sage: pi_cone.contains(L) == pi_star.contains(L_star) True """ # Matrices are not vectors in Sage, so we have to convert them # to vectors explicitly before we can find a basis. We need these # two values to construct the appropriate "long vector" space. F = K.lattice().base_field() n = K.lattice_dim() tensor_products = [ s.tensor_product(x) for x in K for s in K.dual() ] # Convert those tensor products to long vectors. W = VectorSpace(F, n**2) vectors = [ W(tp.list()) for tp in tensor_products ] check = True if K.is_proper(): # All of the generators involved are extreme vectors and # therefore minimal [Tam]_. If this cone is neither solid nor # strictly convex, then the tensor product of ``s`` and ``x`` # is the same as that of ``-s`` and ``-x``. However, as a # /set/, ``tensor_products`` may still be minimal. check = False # Create the dual cone of the positive operators, expressed as # long vectors. pi_dual = Cone(vectors, ToricLattice(W.dimension()), check=check) # Now compute the desired cone from its dual... pi_cone = pi_dual.dual() # And finally convert its rays back to matrix representations. M = MatrixSpace(F, n) return [ M(v.list()) for v in pi_cone ] def Z_operator_gens(K): r""" Compute generators of the cone of Z-operators on this cone. OUTPUT: A list of `n`-by-``n`` matrices where ``n == K.lattice_dim()``. Each matrix ``L`` in the list should have the property that ``(L*x).inner_product(s) <= 0`` whenever ``(x,s)`` is an element of this cone's :meth:`discrete_complementarity_set`. Moreover, any conic (nonnegative linear) combination of these matrices shares the same property. REFERENCES: M. Orlitzky. Positive and Z-operators on closed convex cones. EXAMPLES: Z-operators on the nonnegative orthant are just Z-matrices. That is, matrices whose off-diagonal elements are nonnegative:: sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1)]) sage: Z_operator_gens(K) [ [ 0 -1] [ 0 0] [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0], [-1 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1] ] sage: K = Cone([(1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)]) sage: all([ z[i][j] <= 0 for z in Z_operator_gens(K) ....: for i in range(z.nrows()) ....: for j in range(z.ncols()) ....: if i != j ]) True The trivial cone in a trivial space has no Z-operators:: sage: K = Cone([], ToricLattice(0)) sage: Z_operator_gens(K) [] Every operator is a Z-operator on the ambient vector space:: sage: K = Cone([(1,),(-1,)]) sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: Z_operator_gens(K) [[-1], [1]] sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: Z_operator_gens(K) [ [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 -1] [0 1] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [-1 0], [1 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1] ] A non-obvious application is to find the Z-operators on the right half-plane:: sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: Z_operator_gens(K) [ [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0], [0 0], [-1 0], [1 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1] ] Z-operators on a subspace are Lyapunov-like and vice-versa:: sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: lls = span([ vector(l.list()) for l in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ]) sage: zs = span([ vector(z.list()) for z in Z_operator_gens(K) ]) sage: zs == lls True TESTS: The Z-property is possessed by every Z-operator:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: dcs = K.discrete_complementarity_set() sage: all([(z*x).inner_product(s) <= 0 for z in Z_of_K ....: for (x,s) in dcs]) True The lineality space of the cone of Z-operators is the space of Lyapunov-like operators:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_operator_gens(K) ], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: ll_basis = [ vector(l.list()) for l in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ] sage: lls = L.vector_space().span(ll_basis) sage: Z_cone.linear_subspace() == lls True The lineality of the Z-operators on a cone is the Lyapunov rank of that cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_of_K ], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: Z_cone.lineality() == K.lyapunov_rank() True The lineality spaces of the duals of the positive and Z-operator cones are equal. From this it follows that the dimensions of the Z-operator cone and positive operator cone are equal:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: pi_cone.dim() == Z_cone.dim() True sage: pi_star = pi_cone.dual() sage: z_star = Z_cone.dual() sage: pi_star.linear_subspace() == z_star.linear_subspace() True The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the expected dimensions:: sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs() sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n)) sage: K.is_trivial() True sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = Z_cone.dim() sage: actual == n^2 True sage: K = K.dual() sage: K.is_full_space() True sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual = Z_cone.dim() sage: actual == n^2 True sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)]) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K], check=False) sage: Z_cone.dim() == 3 True The Z-operators of a permuted cone can be obtained by conjugation:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) sage: p = SymmetricGroup(K.lattice_dim()).random_element().matrix() sage: pK = Cone([ p*k for k in K ], K.lattice(), check=False) sage: Z_of_pK = Z_operator_gens(pK) sage: actual = Cone([t.list() for t in Z_of_pK], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: expected = Cone([(p*t*p.inverse()).list() for t in Z_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: actual.is_equivalent(expected) True An operator is a Z-operator on a cone if and only if its adjoint is a Z-operator on the dual of that cone:: sage: set_random_seed() sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4) sage: F = K.lattice().vector_space().base_field() sage: n = K.lattice_dim() sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2) sage: W = VectorSpace(F, n**2) sage: Z_of_K = Z_operator_gens(K) sage: Z_of_K_star = Z_operator_gens(K.dual()) sage: Z_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in Z_of_K], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: Z_star = Cone([p.list() for p in Z_of_K_star], ....: lattice=L, ....: check=False) sage: M = MatrixSpace(F, n) sage: L = M(Z_cone.random_element(ring=QQ).list()) sage: Z_star.contains(W(L.transpose().list())) True sage: L = W.random_element() sage: L_star = W(M(L.list()).transpose().list()) sage: Z_cone.contains(L) == Z_star.contains(L_star) True """ # Matrices are not vectors in Sage, so we have to convert them # to vectors explicitly before we can find a basis. We need these # two values to construct the appropriate "long vector" space. F = K.lattice().base_field() n = K.lattice_dim() # These tensor products contain generators for the dual cone of # the cross-positive operators. tensor_products = [ s.tensor_product(x) for (x,s) in K.discrete_complementarity_set() ] # Turn our matrices into long vectors... W = VectorSpace(F, n**2) vectors = [ W(m.list()) for m in tensor_products ] check = True if K.is_proper(): # All of the generators involved are extreme vectors and # therefore minimal. If this cone is neither solid nor # strictly convex, then the tensor product of ``s`` and ``x`` # is the same as that of ``-s`` and ``-x``. However, as a # /set/, ``tensor_products`` may still be minimal. check = False # Create the dual cone of the cross-positive operators, # expressed as long vectors. Sigma_dual = Cone(vectors, lattice=ToricLattice(W.dimension()), check=check) # Now compute the desired cone from its dual... Sigma_cone = Sigma_dual.dual() # And finally convert its rays back to matrix representations. # But first, make them negative, so we get Z-operators and # not cross-positive ones. M = MatrixSpace(F, n) return [ -M(v.list()) for v in Sigma_cone ] def LL_cone(K): gens = K.lyapunov_like_basis() L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) return Cone([ g.list() for g in gens ], lattice=L, check=False) def Z_cone(K): gens = Z_operator_gens(K) L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) return Cone([ g.list() for g in gens ], lattice=L, check=False) def pi_cone(K): gens = positive_operator_gens(K) L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2) return Cone([ g.list() for g in gens ], lattice=L, check=False)