]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/htsn-import.git/blob - src/TSN/DbImport.hs
Remove the XmlPickler instance for Bool.
[dead/htsn-import.git] / src / TSN / DbImport.hs
1 -- | Definition of the DbImport typeclass.
2 module TSN.DbImport
3 where
5 import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO )
6 import Database.Groundhog (
7 defaultMigrationLogger,
8 insert,
9 migrate,
10 runMigration )
11 import Database.Groundhog.Core ( PersistBackend, PersistEntity )
12 import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
13 XmlPickler,
14 XmlTree,
15 unpickleDoc,
16 xpickle )
19 -- | The type that will be returned from every file import attempt. If
20 -- there was an error, its description will be wrapped in an Err. If
21 -- we successfully imported records, the number of records imported
22 -- will be wrapped in a Succ.
23 --
24 -- Anything else will be wrapped in a "Info" constructor;
25 -- i.e. somewhere between success and failure. This is like an
26 -- 'Either' with three choices. A "Info" return value means that
27 -- the XML document *was* processed, so it should be removed.
28 --
29 data ImportResult =
30 ImportFailed String -- ^ Failure with an error message.
31 | ImportSkipped String -- ^ We processed the file, but didn't import it.
32 -- The reason is contained in the second field.
33 | ImportSucceeded Int -- ^ We did import records, and here's how many.
34 | ImportUnsupported String -- ^ We didn't know how to process this file.
35 -- The second field should contain info.
37 -- | Instances of this type know how to insert themselves into a
38 -- Groundhog database.
39 class DbImport a where
40 dbimport :: (MonadIO m, PersistBackend m)
41 => a
42 -> XmlTree
43 -> m ImportResult
46 -- | We put the 'Configuration' and 'XmlTree' arguments last so that
47 -- it's easy to eta reduce all of the import_foo functions that call
48 -- this.
49 --
50 import_generic :: (XmlPickler a, MonadIO m, PersistEntity b, PersistBackend m)
51 => (a -> [b]) -- ^ listings getter
52 -> b -- ^ Dummy Listing instance needed for 'migrate'
53 -> XmlTree
54 -> m ImportResult -- ^ Return the number of records inserted.
55 import_generic g dummy xml = do
56 runMigration defaultMigrationLogger $ migrate dummy
57 let root_element = unpickleDoc xpickle xml
58 case root_element of
59 Nothing -> return $
60 ImportFailed "Could not unpickle document in import_generic."
61 Just elt -> do
62 ids <- mapM insert (g elt)
63 return $ ImportSucceeded (length ids)