1 -- | The CIDR modules contains most of the functions used for working
22 import Data.List (nub)
23 import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf)
24 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)
26 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, localOption, testGroup )
27 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
28 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
29 Arbitrary( arbitrary ),
32 QuickCheckTests( QuickCheckTests ),
35 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
37 import qualified Bit as B (Bit(..))
39 IPv4Address( IPv4Address, octet1, octet2, octet3, octet4 ),
40 most_sig_bit_different )
41 import Maskable (Maskable(apply_mask))
42 import Maskbits ( Maskbits(Zero) )
43 import Octet (Octet())
46 data Cidr = Cidr { ipv4address :: IPv4Address,
47 maskbits :: Maskbits }
50 instance Show Cidr where
51 show cidr = (show (ipv4address cidr)) ++ "/" ++ (show (maskbits cidr))
54 instance Arbitrary Cidr where
56 ipv4 <- arbitrary :: Gen IPv4Address
57 mask <- arbitrary :: Gen Maskbits
58 return (Cidr ipv4 mask)
61 instance Eq Cidr where
62 -- | Two CIDRs are equal if they have the same network bits and if
63 -- their masks are the same. In other words, if they are the same
64 -- after normalization.
65 cidr1 == cidr2 = (cidr1 <= cidr2) && (cidr2 <= cidr1)
67 instance Ord Cidr where
68 -- | The CIDR order is simply numeric, with the IPv4Address being
69 -- considered first, before the mask. There was an arbitrary
70 -- choice that had to be made here: which CIDR is smaller,
71 --, or
73 -- The arguments for <= are that it
74 -- agrees with the numeric sort order on masks, and that it's
75 -- generally nicer to see the big networks before the small ones.
77 -- On the other hand, this order disagrees with the containment
78 -- partial order, since is contained properly in
81 cidr1 <= cidr2 = if addr1 == addr2 then mask1 <= mask2 else addr1 <= addr2
83 Cidr addr1 mask1 = normalize cidr1
84 Cidr addr2 mask2 = normalize cidr2
86 -- | Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
87 -- after the trailing slash.
88 maskbits_from_cidr_string :: String -> Maybe Maskbits
89 maskbits_from_cidr_string s
90 | length partlist == 2 = readMaybe (partlist !! 1)
93 partlist = splitOneOf "/" s
96 -- | Takes an IP address String in CIDR notation, and returns a list
97 -- of its octets (as Ints).
98 octets_from_cidr_string :: String -> [Octet]
99 octets_from_cidr_string s =
101 (p1:p2:p3:p4:_) -> mapMaybe readMaybe [p1,p2,p3,p4]
104 parts = splitOneOf "./" s
106 instance Read Cidr where
107 -- | Parse everything or nothing.
109 case (octets_from_cidr_string s) of
110 [oct1, oct2, oct3, oct4] ->
111 case (maskbits_from_cidr_string s) of
113 [(Cidr (IPv4Address oct1 oct2 oct3 oct4) mbits, "")]
118 -- | Given a CIDR, return the minimum valid IPv4 address contained
120 min_host :: Cidr -> IPv4Address
121 min_host (Cidr addr mask) = apply_mask addr mask B.Zero
123 -- | Given a CIDR, return the maximum valid IPv4 address contained
125 max_host :: Cidr -> IPv4Address
126 max_host (Cidr addr mask) = apply_mask addr mask B.One
128 -- | Given a CIDR, return the first octet of the minimum valid IPv4
129 -- address contained within it.
130 min_octet1 :: Cidr -> Octet
131 min_octet1 cidr = octet1 (min_host cidr)
133 -- | Given a CIDR, return the second octet of the minimum valid IPv4
134 -- address contained within it.
135 min_octet2 :: Cidr -> Octet
136 min_octet2 cidr = octet2 (min_host cidr)
138 -- | Given a CIDR, return the third octet of the minimum valid IPv4
139 -- address contained within it.
140 min_octet3 :: Cidr -> Octet
141 min_octet3 cidr = octet3 (min_host cidr)
143 -- | Given a CIDR, return the fourth octet of the minimum valid IPv4
144 -- address contained within it.
145 min_octet4 :: Cidr -> Octet
146 min_octet4 cidr = octet4 (min_host cidr)
148 -- | Given a CIDR, return the first octet of the maximum valid IPv4
149 -- address contained within it.
150 max_octet1 :: Cidr -> Octet
151 max_octet1 cidr = octet1 (max_host cidr)
153 -- | Given a CIDR, return the second octet of the maximum valid IPv4
154 -- address contained within it.
155 max_octet2 :: Cidr -> Octet
156 max_octet2 cidr = octet2 (max_host cidr)
158 -- | Given a CIDR, return the third octet of the maximum valid IPv4
159 -- address contained within it.
160 max_octet3 :: Cidr -> Octet
161 max_octet3 cidr = octet3 (max_host cidr)
163 -- | Given a CIDR, return the fourth octet of the maximum valid IPv4
164 -- address contained within it.
165 max_octet4 :: Cidr -> Octet
166 max_octet4 cidr = octet4 (max_host cidr)
170 -- | Return true if the first argument (a CIDR range) contains the
171 -- second (another CIDR range). There are a lot of ways we can be
172 -- fed junk here. For lack of a better alternative, just return
173 -- False when we are given nonsense.
175 -- If the number of bits in the network part of the first address is
176 -- larger than the number of bits in the second, there is no way
177 -- that the first range can contain the second. For, if the number
178 -- of network bits is larger, then the number of host bits must be
179 -- smaller, and if cidr1 has fewer hosts than cidr2, cidr1 most
180 -- certainly does not contain cidr2.
182 -- On the other hand, if the first argument (cidr1) has fewer (or
183 -- the same number of) network bits as the second, it can contain
184 -- the second. In this case, we need to check that every host in
185 -- cidr2 is contained in cidr1. If a host in cidr2 is contained in
186 -- cidr1, then at least mbits1 of an address in cidr2 will match
187 -- cidr1. For example,
189 -- cidr1 =\/23, cidr2 =\/24
191 -- Here, cidr2 contains all of through
192 -- However, cidr1 contains BOTH through
193 -- and through In essence,
194 -- what we want to check is that cidr2 "begins with" something that
195 -- cidr1 CAN begin with. Since cidr1 can begin with 192.168.1, and
196 -- cidr2 DOES, cidr1 contains cidr2..
198 -- The way that we check this is to apply cidr1's mask to cidr2's
199 -- address and see if the result is the same as cidr1's mask applied
200 -- to cidr1's address.
202 contains :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
203 contains (Cidr addr1 mbits1) (Cidr addr2 mbits2)
204 | mbits1 > mbits2 = False
205 | otherwise = addr1masked == addr2masked
207 addr1masked = apply_mask addr1 mbits1 B.Zero
208 addr2masked = apply_mask addr2 mbits1 B.Zero
211 -- | Contains but is not equal to.
212 contains_proper :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
213 contains_proper cidr1 cidr2 =
214 (cidr1 `contains` cidr2) && (not (cidr2 `contains` cidr1))
217 -- | A CIDR range is redundant (with respect to the given list) if
218 -- another CIDR range in that list properly contains it.
219 redundant :: [Cidr] -> Cidr -> Bool
220 redundant cidrlist cidr = any ((flip contains_proper) cidr) cidrlist
223 -- | First, we look at all possible pairs of cidrs, and combine the
224 -- adjacent ones in to a new list. Then, we concatenate that list
225 -- with the original one, and filter out all of the redundancies. If
226 -- two adjacent Cidrs are combined into a larger one, they will be
227 -- removed in the second step since the larger Cidr must contain the
230 -- Once this is done, we see whether or not the result is different
231 -- than the argument that was passed in. If nothing changed, we're
232 -- done and return the list that was passed to us. However, if
233 -- something changed, we recurse and try to combine the list again.
234 combine_all :: [Cidr] -> [Cidr]
236 | cidrs == (combine_contained unique_cidrs) = cidrs
237 | otherwise = combine_all (combine_contained unique_cidrs)
239 unique_cidrs = nub cidr_combinations
241 cidrs ++ (catMaybes [ (combine_adjacent x y) | x <- cidrs, y <- cidrs ])
244 -- | Take a list of CIDR ranges and filter out all of the ones that
245 -- are contained entirelt within some other range in the list.
246 combine_contained :: [Cidr] -> [Cidr]
247 combine_contained cidrs =
248 filter (not . (redundant cidrs)) cidrs
251 -- | If the two Cidrs are not adjacent, return Cidr.None. Otherwise,
252 -- decrement the maskbits of cidr1 and return that; it will contain
253 -- both cidr1 and cidr2.
254 combine_adjacent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Maybe Cidr
255 combine_adjacent cidr1 cidr2
256 | not (adjacent cidr1 cidr2) = Nothing
257 | (maskbits cidr1 == Zero) = Nothing
258 | otherwise = Just $ cidr1 { maskbits = pred (maskbits cidr1) }
262 -- | Determine whether or not two CIDR ranges are adjacent. If two
263 -- ranges lie consecutively within the IP space, they can be
264 -- combined. For example, and are adjacent,
265 -- and can be combined in to
266 adjacent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
268 | mbits1 /= mbits2 = False
269 | mbits1 == Maskbits.Zero = False -- They're equal.
270 | otherwise = (mbits1 == (most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2))
272 addr1 = ipv4address cidr1
273 addr2 = ipv4address cidr2
274 mbits1 = maskbits cidr1
275 mbits2 = maskbits cidr2
278 enumerate :: Cidr -> [IPv4Address]
279 enumerate cidr = [(min_host cidr)..(max_host cidr)]
282 -- | Replace any masked bits in this CIDR's IPv4Address with zeros.
283 normalize :: Cidr -> Cidr
284 normalize (Cidr addr mask) =
287 nrml_addr = apply_mask addr mask B.Zero
290 cidr_tests :: TestTree
292 testGroup "CIDR Tests" [
299 test_contains_proper1,
300 test_contains_proper2,
305 test_combine_contained1,
306 test_combine_contained2,
313 test_big_networks_come_first ]
315 cidr_properties :: TestTree
317 testGroup "CIDR Properties" [
318 prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves,
319 prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric,
320 prop_normalize_idempotent,
321 prop_normalize_preserves_equality,
322 prop_ord_instance_antisymmetric,
323 prop_ord_instance_reflexive,
324 prop_ord_instance_transitive,
325 prop_ord_uses_addr_when_masks_equal,
326 prop_ord_uses_mask_when_addrs_equal,
327 prop_ord_and_contains_disagree,
333 test_enumerate :: TestTree
335 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
337 desc = " is enumerated correctly"
338 oct1 = toEnum 192 :: Octet
339 oct2 = toEnum 168 :: Octet
340 oct3 = minBound :: Octet
341 mk_ip = IPv4Address oct1 oct2 oct3
342 addr1 = mk_ip $ toEnum 240
343 addr2 = mk_ip $ toEnum 241
344 addr3 = mk_ip $ toEnum 242
345 addr4 = mk_ip $ toEnum 243
346 expected = [addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4]
347 actual = enumerate (read "" :: Cidr)
349 test_min_host1 :: TestTree
351 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
353 desc = "The minimum host in is"
354 actual = show $ min_host (read "" :: Cidr)
355 expected = ""
358 test_max_host1 :: TestTree
360 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
362 desc = "The maximum host in is"
363 actual = show $ max_host (read "" :: Cidr)
364 expected = ""
367 test_equality1 :: TestTree
369 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
371 desc = " equals itself"
372 actual = read "" :: Cidr
373 expected = read "" :: Cidr
376 test_contains1 :: TestTree
378 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
380 desc = " contains"
381 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
382 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
384 actual = cidr1 `contains` cidr2
387 test_contains2 :: TestTree
389 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
391 desc = " contains itself"
392 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
394 actual = cidr1 `contains` cidr1
397 test_contains_proper1 :: TestTree
398 test_contains_proper1 =
399 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
401 desc = " contains properly"
402 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
403 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
405 actual = cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2
408 test_contains_proper2 :: TestTree
409 test_contains_proper2 =
410 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
412 desc = " does not contain itself properly"
413 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
415 actual = cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr1
418 test_adjacent1 :: TestTree
420 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
422 desc = " is adjacent to"
423 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
424 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
426 actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
429 test_adjacent2 :: TestTree
431 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
433 desc = " is not adjacent to"
434 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
435 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
437 actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
440 test_adjacent3 :: TestTree
442 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
444 desc = " is not adjacent to"
445 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
446 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
448 actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
451 test_adjacent4 :: TestTree
453 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
455 desc = " is not adjacent to"
456 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
457 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
459 actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
461 test_combine_contained1 :: TestTree
462 test_combine_contained1 =
463 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
465 desc = ",, and combine to"
466 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
467 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
468 cidr3 = read "" :: Cidr
469 test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3]
471 actual = combine_contained test_cidrs
473 test_combine_contained2 :: TestTree
474 test_combine_contained2 =
475 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
477 desc = " does not contain"
478 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
479 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
480 expected = [cidr1, cidr2]
481 actual = combine_contained [cidr1, cidr2]
484 test_combine_all1 :: TestTree
486 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
488 desc = " is adjacent to "
489 ++ "and contains"
490 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
491 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
492 cidr3 = read "" :: Cidr
493 cidr4 = read "" :: Cidr
494 cidr5 = read "" :: Cidr
495 test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3, cidr4, cidr5]
496 expected = [read "" :: Cidr]
497 actual = combine_all test_cidrs
500 test_combine_all2 :: TestTree
502 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
504 desc = " combines with itself recursively"
505 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
506 test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1]
508 actual = combine_all test_cidrs
511 test_combine_all3 :: TestTree
513 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
515 desc = ",,, and "
516 ++ " get combined into"
517 cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
518 cidr2 = read "" :: Cidr
519 cidr3 = read "" :: Cidr
520 cidr4 = read "" :: Cidr
521 test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3, cidr4]
522 expected = [read "" :: Cidr]
523 actual = combine_all test_cidrs
525 test_normalize1 :: TestTree
527 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
529 desc = " normalized is"
530 expected = read "" :: Cidr
531 actual = normalize (read "" :: Cidr)
534 test_normalize2 :: TestTree
536 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
538 desc = " normalized is"
539 expected = read "" :: Cidr
540 actual = normalize (read "" :: Cidr)
542 test_normalize3 :: TestTree
544 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
546 desc = " normalized is"
547 expected = read "" :: Cidr
548 actual = normalize (read "" :: Cidr)
550 -- | Test a stated property of the Ord instance, namely that the big
551 -- network comes before the small network
552 test_big_networks_come_first :: TestTree
553 test_big_networks_come_first =
554 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
556 desc = " comes before"
557 big = read "" :: Cidr
558 small = read "" :: Cidr
560 actual = big <= small -- not a typo
563 prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves :: TestTree
564 prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves =
565 testProperty "All CIDRs contain themselves" prop
568 prop cidr1 = cidr1 `contains` cidr1
571 -- If cidr1 properly contains cidr2, then by definition cidr2
572 -- does not properly contain cidr1.
573 prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric :: TestTree
574 prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric =
575 testProperty "CIDR proper containment is an antisymmetric relation" prop
577 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
579 (cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2) ==>
580 (not (cidr2 `contains_proper` cidr1))
583 -- Running "normalize" a second time shouldn't do anything.
584 prop_normalize_idempotent :: TestTree
585 prop_normalize_idempotent =
586 testProperty "The CIDR \"normalize\" function is idempotent" prop
589 prop cidr = (normalize cidr) == (normalize (normalize cidr))
591 -- Normalization should not affect equality of two CIDRs.
592 prop_normalize_preserves_equality :: TestTree
593 prop_normalize_preserves_equality =
594 testProperty "The CIDR \"normalize\" function preserves equality" prop
596 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
597 prop cidr1 cidr2 = (cidr1 == cidr2) == (normalize cidr1 == normalize cidr2)
600 prop_ord_instance_reflexive :: TestTree
601 prop_ord_instance_reflexive =
602 testProperty "The CIDR order is reflexive" prop
605 prop cidr = cidr <= cidr
608 prop_ord_instance_transitive :: TestTree
609 prop_ord_instance_transitive =
610 testProperty "The CIDR order is transitive" prop
612 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
613 prop cidr1 cidr2 cidr3 =
614 (cidr1 <= cidr2 && cidr2 <= cidr3) ==> cidr1 <= cidr3
616 -- This is how Eq is currently implemented, but it is useful to have
617 -- around in case that changes. Try fewer instances of this than usual
618 -- because it's a rare condition.
619 prop_ord_instance_antisymmetric :: TestTree
620 prop_ord_instance_antisymmetric =
621 localOption (QuickCheckTests 500) $
622 testProperty "The CIDR order is antisymmetric" prop
624 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
626 (cidr1 <= cidr2 && cidr2 <= cidr1) ==> cidr1 == cidr2
629 -- When comparing two CIDRs with the same mask, the comparison
630 -- should be numeric (i.e. whatever the IPv4Address does).
631 -- Of course, we have to normalize first.
632 prop_ord_uses_addr_when_masks_equal :: TestTree
633 prop_ord_uses_addr_when_masks_equal =
634 testProperty "The CIDR order is the IPv4Address order for equal masks" prop
636 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
638 (mask1 == mask2) ==> (cidr1 <= cidr2) == (addr1 <= addr2)
640 (Cidr addr1 mask1) = normalize cidr1
641 (Cidr addr2 mask2) = normalize cidr2
644 -- If we have two CIDRs whose normalized addresses agree, then we want
645 -- to use the mask order, i.e. that big networks come before small
646 -- networks. This disagrees with containment order.
647 prop_ord_uses_mask_when_addrs_equal :: TestTree
648 prop_ord_uses_mask_when_addrs_equal =
649 localOption (QuickCheckTests 500) $
650 testProperty "The CIDR order is by mask when the addresses agree" prop
652 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
654 (addr1 == addr2) ==> (cidr1 <= cidr2) == (mask1 <= mask2)
656 (Cidr addr1 mask1) = normalize cidr1
657 (Cidr addr2 mask2) = normalize cidr2
660 -- Big networks come first.
661 prop_ord_and_contains_disagree :: TestTree
662 prop_ord_and_contains_disagree =
663 testProperty "The CIDR order disagrees with containment" prop
665 prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
666 prop cidr1 cidr2 = (cidr1 `contains` cidr2) ==> (cidr1 <= cidr2)
669 -- The biggest network always comes first.
670 prop_ord_minimum :: TestTree
672 testProperty "The CIDR order has as a minimum" prop
674 min_cidr = read "" :: Cidr
676 prop cidr = min_cidr <= cidr
679 -- The CIDR order also has a maximum.
680 prop_ord_maximum :: TestTree
682 testProperty "The CIDR order has as a maximum" prop
684 max_cidr = read "" :: Cidr
686 prop cidr = max_cidr >= cidr