]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - sage.d.git/blob - mjo/cone/cone.py
[sage.d.git] / mjo / cone / cone.py
1 from sage.all import *
3 def is_lyapunov_like(L,K):
4 r"""
5 Determine whether or not ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K``.
7 We say that ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K`` if `\left\langle
8 L\left\lparenx\right\rparen,s\right\rangle = 0` for all pairs
9 `\left\langle x,s \right\rangle` in the complementarity set of
10 ``K``. It is known [Orlitzky]_ that this property need only be
11 checked for generators of ``K`` and its dual.
13 There are faster ways of checking this property. For example, we
14 could compute a `lyapunov_like_basis` of the cone, and then test
15 whether or not the given matrix is contained in the span of that
16 basis. The value of this function is that it works on symbolic
17 matrices.
21 - ``L`` -- A linear transformation or matrix.
23 - ``K`` -- A polyhedral closed convex cone.
27 ``True`` if it can be proven that ``L`` is Lyapunov-like on ``K``,
28 and ``False`` otherwise.
30 .. WARNING::
32 If this function returns ``True``, then ``L`` is Lyapunov-like
33 on ``K``. However, if ``False`` is returned, that could mean one
34 of two things. The first is that ``L`` is definitely not
35 Lyapunov-like on ``K``. The second is more of an "I don't know"
36 answer, returned (for example) if we cannot prove that an inner
37 product is zero.
41 M. Orlitzky. The Lyapunov rank of an improper cone.
42 http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2015/10/5135.html
46 The identity is always Lyapunov-like in a nontrivial space::
48 sage: set_random_seed()
49 sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=8)
50 sage: L = identity_matrix(K.lattice_dim())
51 sage: is_lyapunov_like(L,K)
52 True
54 As is the "zero" transformation::
56 sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=8)
57 sage: R = K.lattice().vector_space().base_ring()
58 sage: L = zero_matrix(R, K.lattice_dim())
59 sage: is_lyapunov_like(L,K)
60 True
62 Everything in ``K.lyapunov_like_basis()`` should be Lyapunov-like
63 on ``K``::
65 sage: K = random_cone(min_ambient_dim=1, max_ambient_dim=6)
66 sage: all([ is_lyapunov_like(L,K) for L in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ])
67 True
69 """
70 return all([(L*x).inner_product(s) == 0
71 for (x,s) in K.discrete_complementarity_set()])
74 def positive_operator_gens(K):
75 r"""
76 Compute generators of the cone of positive operators on this cone.
80 A list of `n`-by-``n`` matrices where ``n == K.lattice_dim()``.
81 Each matrix ``P`` in the list should have the property that ``P*x``
82 is an element of ``K`` whenever ``x`` is an element of
83 ``K``. Moreover, any nonnegative linear combination of these
84 matrices shares the same property.
88 .. [Orlitzky-Pi-Z]
89 M. Orlitzky.
90 Positive operators and Z-transformations on closed convex cones.
92 .. [Tam]
93 B.-S. Tam.
94 Some results of polyhedral cones and simplicial cones.
95 Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 4:4 (1977) 281--284.
99 Positive operators on the nonnegative orthant are nonnegative matrices::
101 sage: K = Cone([(1,)])
102 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
103 [[1]]
105 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1)])
106 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
107 [
108 [1 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0]
109 [0 0], [0 0], [1 0], [0 1]
110 ]
112 The trivial cone in a trivial space has no positive operators::
114 sage: K = Cone([], ToricLattice(0))
115 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
116 []
118 Every operator is positive on the trivial cone::
120 sage: K = Cone([(0,)])
121 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
122 [[1], [-1]]
124 sage: K = Cone([(0,0)])
125 sage: K.is_trivial()
126 True
127 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
128 [
129 [1 0] [-1 0] [0 1] [ 0 -1] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0]
130 [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1]
131 ]
133 Every operator is positive on the ambient vector space::
135 sage: K = Cone([(1,),(-1,)])
136 sage: K.is_full_space()
137 True
138 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
139 [[1], [-1]]
141 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
142 sage: K.is_full_space()
143 True
144 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
145 [
146 [1 0] [-1 0] [0 1] [ 0 -1] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0]
147 [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1]
148 ]
150 A non-obvious application is to find the positive operators on the
151 right half-plane::
153 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
154 sage: positive_operator_gens(K)
155 [
156 [1 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0]
157 [0 0], [1 0], [-1 0], [0 1], [ 0 -1]
158 ]
160 TESTS:
162 Each positive operator generator should send the generators of the
163 cone into the cone::
165 sage: set_random_seed()
166 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
167 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
168 sage: all([ K.contains(P*x) for P in pi_of_K for x in K ])
169 True
171 Each positive operator generator should send a random element of the
172 cone into the cone::
174 sage: set_random_seed()
175 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
176 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
177 sage: all([ K.contains(P*K.random_element(QQ)) for P in pi_of_K ])
178 True
180 A random element of the positive operator cone should send the
181 generators of the cone into the cone::
183 sage: set_random_seed()
184 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
185 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
186 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
187 sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ],
188 ....: lattice=L,
189 ....: check=False)
190 sage: P = matrix(K.lattice_dim(), pi_cone.random_element(QQ).list())
191 sage: all([ K.contains(P*x) for x in K ])
192 True
194 A random element of the positive operator cone should send a random
195 element of the cone into the cone::
197 sage: set_random_seed()
198 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
199 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
200 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
201 sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ],
202 ....: lattice=L,
203 ....: check=False)
204 sage: P = matrix(K.lattice_dim(), pi_cone.random_element(QQ).list())
205 sage: K.contains(P*K.random_element(ring=QQ))
206 True
208 The lineality space of the dual of the cone of positive operators
209 can be computed from the lineality spaces of the cone and its dual::
211 sage: set_random_seed()
212 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
213 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
214 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
215 sage: pi_cone = Cone([ g.list() for g in pi_of_K ],
216 ....: lattice=L,
217 ....: check=False)
218 sage: actual = pi_cone.dual().linear_subspace()
219 sage: U1 = [ vector((s.tensor_product(x)).list())
220 ....: for x in K.lines()
221 ....: for s in K.dual() ]
222 sage: U2 = [ vector((s.tensor_product(x)).list())
223 ....: for x in K
224 ....: for s in K.dual().lines() ]
225 sage: expected = pi_cone.lattice().vector_space().span(U1 + U2)
226 sage: actual == expected
227 True
229 The lineality of the dual of the cone of positive operators
230 is known from its lineality space::
232 sage: set_random_seed()
233 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
234 sage: n = K.lattice_dim()
235 sage: m = K.dim()
236 sage: l = K.lineality()
237 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
238 sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2)
239 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
240 ....: lattice=L,
241 ....: check=False)
242 sage: actual = pi_cone.dual().lineality()
243 sage: expected = l*(m - l) + m*(n - m)
244 sage: actual == expected
245 True
247 The dimension of the cone of positive operators is given by the
248 corollary in my paper::
250 sage: set_random_seed()
251 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
252 sage: n = K.lattice_dim()
253 sage: m = K.dim()
254 sage: l = K.lineality()
255 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
256 sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2)
257 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
258 ....: lattice=L,
259 ....: check=False)
260 sage: actual = pi_cone.dim()
261 sage: expected = n**2 - l*(m - l) - (n - m)*m
262 sage: actual == expected
263 True
265 The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the
266 expected dimensions::
268 sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs()
269 sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n))
270 sage: K.is_trivial()
271 True
272 sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2)
273 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
274 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
275 ....: lattice=L,
276 ....: check=False)
277 sage: actual = pi_cone.dim()
278 sage: actual == n^2
279 True
280 sage: K = K.dual()
281 sage: K.is_full_space()
282 True
283 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
284 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
285 ....: lattice=L,
286 ....: check=False)
287 sage: actual = pi_cone.dim()
288 sage: actual == n^2
289 True
290 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
291 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
292 sage: actual = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], check=False).dim()
293 sage: actual == 3
294 True
296 The lineality of the cone of positive operators follows from the
297 description of its generators::
299 sage: set_random_seed()
300 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
301 sage: n = K.lattice_dim()
302 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
303 sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2)
304 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
305 ....: lattice=L,
306 ....: check=False)
307 sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality()
308 sage: expected = n**2 - K.dim()*K.dual().dim()
309 sage: actual == expected
310 True
312 The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the
313 expected linealities::
315 sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs()
316 sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n))
317 sage: K.is_trivial()
318 True
319 sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2)
320 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
321 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
322 ....: lattice=L,
323 ....: check=False)
324 sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality()
325 sage: actual == n^2
326 True
327 sage: K = K.dual()
328 sage: K.is_full_space()
329 True
330 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
331 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], lattice=L)
332 sage: pi_cone.lineality() == n^2
333 True
334 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
335 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
336 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K], check=False)
337 sage: actual = pi_cone.lineality()
338 sage: actual == 2
339 True
341 A cone is proper if and only if its cone of positive operators
342 is proper::
344 sage: set_random_seed()
345 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
346 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
347 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
348 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
349 ....: lattice=L,
350 ....: check=False)
351 sage: K.is_proper() == pi_cone.is_proper()
352 True
354 The positive operators of a permuted cone can be obtained by
355 conjugation::
357 sage: set_random_seed()
358 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
359 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
360 sage: p = SymmetricGroup(K.lattice_dim()).random_element().matrix()
361 sage: pK = Cone([ p*k for k in K ], K.lattice(), check=False)
362 sage: pi_of_pK = positive_operator_gens(pK)
363 sage: actual = Cone([t.list() for t in pi_of_pK],
364 ....: lattice=L,
365 ....: check=False)
366 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
367 sage: expected = Cone([(p*t*p.inverse()).list() for t in pi_of_K],
368 ....: lattice=L,
369 ....: check=False)
370 sage: actual.is_equivalent(expected)
371 True
373 A transformation is positive on a cone if and only if its adjoint is
374 positive on the dual of that cone::
376 sage: set_random_seed()
377 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
378 sage: F = K.lattice().vector_space().base_field()
379 sage: n = K.lattice_dim()
380 sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2)
381 sage: W = VectorSpace(F, n**2)
382 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
383 sage: pi_of_K_star = positive_operator_gens(K.dual())
384 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
385 ....: lattice=L,
386 ....: check=False)
387 sage: pi_star = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K_star],
388 ....: lattice=L,
389 ....: check=False)
390 sage: M = MatrixSpace(F, n)
391 sage: L = M(pi_cone.random_element(ring=QQ).list())
392 sage: pi_star.contains(W(L.transpose().list()))
393 True
395 sage: L = W.random_element()
396 sage: L_star = W(M(L.list()).transpose().list())
397 sage: pi_cone.contains(L) == pi_star.contains(L_star)
398 True
399 """
400 # Matrices are not vectors in Sage, so we have to convert them
401 # to vectors explicitly before we can find a basis. We need these
402 # two values to construct the appropriate "long vector" space.
403 F = K.lattice().base_field()
404 n = K.lattice_dim()
406 tensor_products = [ s.tensor_product(x) for x in K for s in K.dual() ]
408 # Convert those tensor products to long vectors.
409 W = VectorSpace(F, n**2)
410 vectors = [ W(tp.list()) for tp in tensor_products ]
412 check = True
413 if K.is_proper():
414 # All of the generators involved are extreme vectors and
415 # therefore minimal [Tam]_. If this cone is neither solid nor
416 # strictly convex, then the tensor product of ``s`` and ``x``
417 # is the same as that of ``-s`` and ``-x``. However, as a
418 # /set/, ``tensor_products`` may still be minimal.
419 check = False
421 # Create the dual cone of the positive operators, expressed as
422 # long vectors.
423 pi_dual = Cone(vectors, ToricLattice(W.dimension()), check=check)
425 # Now compute the desired cone from its dual...
426 pi_cone = pi_dual.dual()
428 # And finally convert its rays back to matrix representations.
429 M = MatrixSpace(F, n)
430 return [ M(v.list()) for v in pi_cone ]
433 def Z_transformation_gens(K):
434 r"""
435 Compute generators of the cone of Z-transformations on this cone.
439 A list of `n`-by-``n`` matrices where ``n == K.lattice_dim()``.
440 Each matrix ``L`` in the list should have the property that
441 ``(L*x).inner_product(s) <= 0`` whenever ``(x,s)`` is an element of
442 this cone's :meth:`discrete_complementarity_set`. Moreover, any
443 conic (nonnegative linear) combination of these matrices shares the
444 same property.
448 M. Orlitzky.
449 Positive operators and Z-transformations on closed convex cones.
453 Z-transformations on the nonnegative orthant are just Z-matrices.
454 That is, matrices whose off-diagonal elements are nonnegative::
456 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1)])
457 sage: Z_transformation_gens(K)
458 [
459 [ 0 -1] [ 0 0] [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 0] [0 0]
460 [ 0 0], [-1 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1]
461 ]
462 sage: K = Cone([(1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)])
463 sage: all([ z[i][j] <= 0 for z in Z_transformation_gens(K)
464 ....: for i in range(z.nrows())
465 ....: for j in range(z.ncols())
466 ....: if i != j ])
467 True
469 The trivial cone in a trivial space has no Z-transformations::
471 sage: K = Cone([], ToricLattice(0))
472 sage: Z_transformation_gens(K)
473 []
475 Every operator is a Z-transformation on the ambient vector space::
477 sage: K = Cone([(1,),(-1,)])
478 sage: K.is_full_space()
479 True
480 sage: Z_transformation_gens(K)
481 [[-1], [1]]
483 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
484 sage: K.is_full_space()
485 True
486 sage: Z_transformation_gens(K)
487 [
488 [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 -1] [0 1] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0]
489 [ 0 0], [0 0], [ 0 0], [0 0], [-1 0], [1 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1]
490 ]
492 A non-obvious application is to find the Z-transformations on the
493 right half-plane::
495 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
496 sage: Z_transformation_gens(K)
497 [
498 [-1 0] [1 0] [ 0 0] [0 0] [ 0 0] [0 0]
499 [ 0 0], [0 0], [-1 0], [1 0], [ 0 -1], [0 1]
500 ]
502 Z-transformations on a subspace are Lyapunov-like and vice-versa::
504 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
505 sage: K.is_full_space()
506 True
507 sage: lls = span([ vector(l.list()) for l in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ])
508 sage: zs = span([ vector(z.list()) for z in Z_transformation_gens(K) ])
509 sage: zs == lls
510 True
512 TESTS:
514 The Z-property is possessed by every Z-transformation::
516 sage: set_random_seed()
517 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
518 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
519 sage: dcs = K.discrete_complementarity_set()
520 sage: all([(z*x).inner_product(s) <= 0 for z in Z_of_K
521 ....: for (x,s) in dcs])
522 True
524 The lineality space of the cone of Z-transformations is the space of
525 Lyapunov-like transformations::
527 sage: set_random_seed()
528 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
529 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
530 sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_transformation_gens(K) ],
531 ....: lattice=L,
532 ....: check=False)
533 sage: ll_basis = [ vector(l.list()) for l in K.lyapunov_like_basis() ]
534 sage: lls = L.vector_space().span(ll_basis)
535 sage: Z_cone.linear_subspace() == lls
536 True
538 The lineality of the Z-transformations on a cone is the Lyapunov
539 rank of that cone::
541 sage: set_random_seed()
542 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
543 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
544 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
545 sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_of_K ],
546 ....: lattice=L,
547 ....: check=False)
548 sage: Z_cone.lineality() == K.lyapunov_rank()
549 True
551 The lineality spaces of the duals of the positive operator and
552 Z-transformation cones are equal. From this it follows that the
553 dimensions of the Z-transformation cone and positive operator cone
554 are equal::
556 sage: set_random_seed()
557 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
558 sage: pi_of_K = positive_operator_gens(K)
559 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
560 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
561 sage: pi_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in pi_of_K],
562 ....: lattice=L,
563 ....: check=False)
564 sage: Z_cone = Cone([ z.list() for z in Z_of_K],
565 ....: lattice=L,
566 ....: check=False)
567 sage: pi_cone.dim() == Z_cone.dim()
568 True
569 sage: pi_star = pi_cone.dual()
570 sage: z_star = Z_cone.dual()
571 sage: pi_star.linear_subspace() == z_star.linear_subspace()
572 True
574 The trivial cone, full space, and half-plane all give rise to the
575 expected dimensions::
577 sage: n = ZZ.random_element().abs()
578 sage: K = Cone([[0] * n], ToricLattice(n))
579 sage: K.is_trivial()
580 True
581 sage: L = ToricLattice(n^2)
582 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
583 sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K],
584 ....: lattice=L,
585 ....: check=False)
586 sage: actual = Z_cone.dim()
587 sage: actual == n^2
588 True
589 sage: K = K.dual()
590 sage: K.is_full_space()
591 True
592 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
593 sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K],
594 ....: lattice=L,
595 ....: check=False)
596 sage: actual = Z_cone.dim()
597 sage: actual == n^2
598 True
599 sage: K = Cone([(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)])
600 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
601 sage: Z_cone = Cone([z.list() for z in Z_of_K], check=False)
602 sage: Z_cone.dim() == 3
603 True
605 The Z-transformations of a permuted cone can be obtained by
606 conjugation::
608 sage: set_random_seed()
609 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
610 sage: L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
611 sage: p = SymmetricGroup(K.lattice_dim()).random_element().matrix()
612 sage: pK = Cone([ p*k for k in K ], K.lattice(), check=False)
613 sage: Z_of_pK = Z_transformation_gens(pK)
614 sage: actual = Cone([t.list() for t in Z_of_pK],
615 ....: lattice=L,
616 ....: check=False)
617 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
618 sage: expected = Cone([(p*t*p.inverse()).list() for t in Z_of_K],
619 ....: lattice=L,
620 ....: check=False)
621 sage: actual.is_equivalent(expected)
622 True
624 A transformation is a Z-transformation on a cone if and only if its
625 adjoint is a Z-transformation on the dual of that cone::
627 sage: set_random_seed()
628 sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=4)
629 sage: F = K.lattice().vector_space().base_field()
630 sage: n = K.lattice_dim()
631 sage: L = ToricLattice(n**2)
632 sage: W = VectorSpace(F, n**2)
633 sage: Z_of_K = Z_transformation_gens(K)
634 sage: Z_of_K_star = Z_transformation_gens(K.dual())
635 sage: Z_cone = Cone([p.list() for p in Z_of_K],
636 ....: lattice=L,
637 ....: check=False)
638 sage: Z_star = Cone([p.list() for p in Z_of_K_star],
639 ....: lattice=L,
640 ....: check=False)
641 sage: M = MatrixSpace(F, n)
642 sage: L = M(Z_cone.random_element(ring=QQ).list())
643 sage: Z_star.contains(W(L.transpose().list()))
644 True
646 sage: L = W.random_element()
647 sage: L_star = W(M(L.list()).transpose().list())
648 sage: Z_cone.contains(L) == Z_star.contains(L_star)
649 True
650 """
651 # Matrices are not vectors in Sage, so we have to convert them
652 # to vectors explicitly before we can find a basis. We need these
653 # two values to construct the appropriate "long vector" space.
654 F = K.lattice().base_field()
655 n = K.lattice_dim()
657 # These tensor products contain generators for the dual cone of
658 # the cross-positive transformations.
659 tensor_products = [ s.tensor_product(x)
660 for (x,s) in K.discrete_complementarity_set() ]
662 # Turn our matrices into long vectors...
663 W = VectorSpace(F, n**2)
664 vectors = [ W(m.list()) for m in tensor_products ]
666 check = True
667 if K.is_proper():
668 # All of the generators involved are extreme vectors and
669 # therefore minimal. If this cone is neither solid nor
670 # strictly convex, then the tensor product of ``s`` and ``x``
671 # is the same as that of ``-s`` and ``-x``. However, as a
672 # /set/, ``tensor_products`` may still be minimal.
673 check = False
675 # Create the dual cone of the cross-positive operators,
676 # expressed as long vectors.
677 Sigma_dual = Cone(vectors, lattice=ToricLattice(W.dimension()), check=check)
679 # Now compute the desired cone from its dual...
680 Sigma_cone = Sigma_dual.dual()
682 # And finally convert its rays back to matrix representations.
683 # But first, make them negative, so we get Z-transformations and
684 # not cross-positive ones.
685 M = MatrixSpace(F, n)
686 return [ -M(v.list()) for v in Sigma_cone ]
689 def Z_cone(K):
690 gens = Z_transformation_gens(K)
691 L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
692 return Cone([ g.list() for g in gens ], lattice=L, check=False)
694 def pi_cone(K):
695 gens = positive_operator_gens(K)
696 L = ToricLattice(K.lattice_dim()**2)
697 return Cone([ g.list() for g in gens ], lattice=L, check=False)