]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - sage.d.git/blob - eja/eja_utils.py
README: rewrite it, it was rather out-of-date
[sage.d.git] / eja / eja_utils.py
1 from sage.functions.other import sqrt
2 from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
3 from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
5 def _all2list(x):
6 r"""
7 Flatten a vector, matrix, or cartesian product of those things
8 into a long list.
12 sage: from mjo.eja.eja_utils import _all2list
13 sage: V1 = VectorSpace(QQ,2)
14 sage: V2 = MatrixSpace(QQ,2)
15 sage: x1 = V1([1,1])
16 sage: x2 = V1([1,-1])
17 sage: y1 = V2.one()
18 sage: y2 = V2([0,1,1,0])
19 sage: _all2list((x1,y1))
20 [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
21 sage: _all2list((x2,y2))
22 [1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
23 sage: M = cartesian_product([V1,V2])
24 sage: _all2list(M((x1,y1)))
25 [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
26 sage: _all2list(M((x2,y2)))
27 [1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
29 """
30 if hasattr(x, 'list'):
31 # Easy case...
32 return x.list()
33 else:
34 # But what if it's a tuple or something else? This has to
35 # handle cartesian products of cartesian products, too; that's
36 # why it's recursive.
37 return sum( map(_all2list,x), [] )
39 def _mat2vec(m):
40 return vector(m.base_ring(), m.list())
42 def _vec2mat(v):
43 return matrix(v.base_ring(), sqrt(v.degree()), v.list())
45 def gram_schmidt(v, inner_product=None):
46 """
47 Perform Gram-Schmidt on the list ``v`` which are assumed to be
48 vectors over the same base ring. Returns a list of orthonormalized
49 vectors over the smallest extention ring containing the necessary
50 roots.
52 SETUP::
54 sage: from mjo.eja.eja_utils import gram_schmidt
58 The usual inner-product and norm are default::
60 sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
61 sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
62 sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(2,1,-1))
63 sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
64 sage: u = gram_schmidt(v)
65 sage: all( u_i.inner_product(u_i).sqrt() == 1 for u_i in u )
66 True
67 sage: bool(u[0].inner_product(u[1]) == 0)
68 True
69 sage: bool(u[0].inner_product(u[2]) == 0)
70 True
71 sage: bool(u[1].inner_product(u[2]) == 0)
72 True
75 But if you supply a custom inner product, the result is
76 orthonormal with respect to that (and not the usual inner
77 product)::
79 sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
80 sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
81 sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(2,1,-1))
82 sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
83 sage: B = matrix(QQ, [ [6, 4, 2],
84 ....: [4, 5, 4],
85 ....: [2, 4, 9] ])
86 sage: ip = lambda x,y: (B*x).inner_product(y)
87 sage: norm = lambda x: ip(x,x)
88 sage: u = gram_schmidt(v,ip)
89 sage: all( norm(u_i) == 1 for u_i in u )
90 True
91 sage: ip(u[0],u[1]).is_zero()
92 True
93 sage: ip(u[0],u[2]).is_zero()
94 True
95 sage: ip(u[1],u[2]).is_zero()
96 True
98 This Gram-Schmidt routine can be used on matrices as well, so long
99 as an appropriate inner-product is provided::
101 sage: E11 = matrix(QQ, [ [1,0],
102 ....: [0,0] ])
103 sage: E12 = matrix(QQ, [ [0,1],
104 ....: [1,0] ])
105 sage: E22 = matrix(QQ, [ [0,0],
106 ....: [0,1] ])
107 sage: I = matrix.identity(QQ,2)
108 sage: trace_ip = lambda X,Y: (X*Y).trace()
109 sage: gram_schmidt([E11,E12,I,E22], inner_product=trace_ip)
110 [
111 [1 0] [ 0 1/2*sqrt(2)] [0 0]
112 [0 0], [1/2*sqrt(2) 0], [0 1]
113 ]
115 It even works on Cartesian product spaces whose factors are vector
116 or matrix spaces::
118 sage: V1 = VectorSpace(AA,2)
119 sage: V2 = MatrixSpace(AA,2)
120 sage: M = cartesian_product([V1,V2])
121 sage: x1 = V1([1,1])
122 sage: x2 = V1([1,-1])
123 sage: y1 = V2.one()
124 sage: y2 = V2([0,1,1,0])
125 sage: z1 = M((x1,y1))
126 sage: z2 = M((x2,y2))
127 sage: def ip(a,b):
128 ....: return a[0].inner_product(b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]).trace()
129 sage: U = gram_schmidt([z1,z2], inner_product=ip)
130 sage: ip(U[0],U[1])
131 0
132 sage: ip(U[0],U[0])
133 1
134 sage: ip(U[1],U[1])
135 1
137 TESTS:
139 Ensure that zero vectors don't get in the way::
141 sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
142 sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
143 sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(0,0,0))
144 sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
145 sage: len(gram_schmidt(v)) == 2
146 True
147 """
148 if inner_product is None:
149 inner_product = lambda x,y: x.inner_product(y)
150 norm = lambda x: inner_product(x,x).sqrt()
152 v = list(v) # make a copy, don't clobber the input
154 # Drop all zero vectors before we start.
155 v = [ v_i for v_i in v if not v_i.is_zero() ]
157 if len(v) == 0:
158 # cool
159 return v
161 R = v[0].base_ring()
163 # Define a scaling operation that can be used on tuples.
164 # Oh and our "zero" needs to belong to the right space.
165 scale = lambda x,alpha: x*alpha
166 zero = v[0].parent().zero()
167 if hasattr(v[0], 'cartesian_factors'):
168 P = v[0].parent()
169 scale = lambda x,alpha: P(tuple( x_i*alpha
170 for x_i in x.cartesian_factors() ))
173 def proj(x,y):
174 return scale(x, (inner_product(x,y)/inner_product(x,x)))
176 # First orthogonalize...
177 for i in range(1,len(v)):
178 # Earlier vectors can be made into zero so we have to ignore them.
179 v[i] -= sum( (proj(v[j],v[i])
180 for j in range(i)
181 if not v[j].is_zero() ),
182 zero )
184 # And now drop all zero vectors again if they were "orthogonalized out."
185 v = [ v_i for v_i in v if not v_i.is_zero() ]
187 # Just normalize. If the algebra is missing the roots, we can't add
188 # them here because then our subalgebra would have a bigger field
189 # than the superalgebra.
190 for i in range(len(v)):
191 v[i] = scale(v[i], ~norm(v[i]))
193 return v