]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - beamer-mjo.git/blob - beamerthemeUMBC.sty
Add a "date" line that can also mention the conference location.
[beamer-mjo.git] / beamerthemeUMBC.sty
1 \ProcessOptionsBeamer
3 \mode<presentation>
5 \useinnertheme{UMBC}
6 \useoutertheme{UMBC}
7 \usefonttheme{UMBC}
8 \usecolortheme{UMBC}
10 % Create a slide introducing new sections.
11 \AtBeginSection[]{
12 \begin{frame}
13 \frametitle{
14 \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
15 \else%
16 Part \thepart, %
17 \fi%
18 Section \thesection
19 }
20 \vfill
21 \begin{center}
22 \usebeamerfont{title}
23 \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
24 \else%
25 \insertpart: %
26 \fi%
27 \insertsectionhead\par%
28 \end{center}
29 \vfill
30 \end{frame}
31 }
33 % Define a new ``partsecframe'' environment that uses a default frame
34 % title of ``<part>: <section>'' when no other frame title is given.
35 \newenvironment{partsecframe}[1][%
36 \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
37 \else%
38 \insertpart: %
39 \fi%
40 \insertsectionhead%
41 ]
42 {\begin{frame}{#1}}
43 {\end{frame}}
45 % Define a new ``refsframe'' environment for the bibliography.
46 % It automatically handles the frame breaks, and fixes the busted
47 % vertical spacing on slides >= 2. The extra curly braces ensure that
48 % the change to the ``frametitle continuation'' template are only
49 % temporary.
50 \newenvironment{refsframe}[1][References] {
51 \splittopskip=2.13em % Fixes the vertical spacing of split frames.
52 \setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{} % Same title for all frames.
53 \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{#1}
54 }
55 { \end{frame} }
58 \mode<all>