]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - spline3.git/blob - TestSuite.hs
[spline3.git] / TestSuite.hs
1 module TestSuite
2 where
4 import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test, TestName, TestOptions(..))
5 import Test.Framework.Providers.API (TestName)
6 import Test.Framework.Providers.DocTest
7 import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
8 import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
9 import Test.HUnit
10 import Test.QuickCheck (Testable ())
12 import Tests.Cardinal
13 import Tests.Cube as TC
14 import Tests.FunctionValues
15 import Tests.Grid
16 import Tests.Misc
17 import Tests.Tetrahedron as TT
19 main :: IO ()
20 main = do
21 dt <- docTest ["src/Everything.hs"] ["-isrc"]
22 defaultMain $ [dt] ++ tests
24 -- | Defined so that my test names fit on one line.
25 tc :: Test.Framework.Providers.API.TestName -> Test.HUnit.Assertion -> Test.Framework.Test
26 tc = testCase
28 cardinal_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
29 cardinal_tests =
30 testGroup "Cardinal Tests" [
31 tc "c-tilde_2100 rotation correct" test_c_tilde_2100_rotation_correct ]
33 function_values_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
34 function_values_tests =
35 testGroup "FunctionValues Tests" [ tc "test directions" test_directions ]
37 grid_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
38 grid_tests =
39 testGroup "Grid Tests" [
40 trilinear_c0_t0_tests,
41 tc "tetrahedra collision test isn't too sensitive"
42 test_tetrahedra_collision_sensitivity,
43 tc "trilinear reproduced" test_trilinear_reproduced,
44 tc "zeros reproduced" test_zeros_reproduced,
45 tc "trilinear9x9x9 reproduced" test_trilinear9x9x9_reproduced ]
48 misc_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
49 misc_tests =
50 testGroup "Misc Tests" [
51 tc "flatten (1)" test_flatten1 ]
53 tetrahedron_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
54 tetrahedron_tests =
55 testGroup "Tetrahedron Tests" [
56 tetrahedron1_geometry_tests,
57 tetrahedron2_geometry_tests,
58 containment_tests ]
60 -- | Defined so that my test names fit on one line.
61 tp :: Test.QuickCheck.Testable a => Test.Framework.TestName -> a -> Test.Framework.Test
62 tp = testProperty
64 misc_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
65 misc_properties =
66 testGroup "Misc Properties" [
67 tp "factorial greater" prop_factorial_greater ]
69 cardinal_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
70 cardinal_properties =
71 testGroup "Cardinal Properties" [
72 tp "ccwx rotation changes direction" prop_ccwx_rotation_changes_direction,
73 tp "cwx rotation changes direction" prop_cwx_rotation_changes_direction,
74 tp "ccwy rotation changes direction" prop_ccwy_rotation_changes_direction,
75 tp "cwy rotation changes direction" prop_cwy_rotation_changes_direction,
76 tp "ccwz rotation changes direction" prop_ccwz_rotation_changes_direction,
77 tp "cwz rotation changes direction" prop_cwz_rotation_changes_direction,
78 tp "ccwx rotation result unique" prop_ccwx_rotation_result_unique,
79 tp "cwx rotation result unique" prop_cwx_rotation_result_unique,
80 tp "ccwy rotation result unique" prop_ccwy_rotation_result_unique,
81 tp "cwy rotation result unique" prop_cwy_rotation_result_unique,
82 tp "ccwz rotation result unique" prop_ccwz_rotation_result_unique,
83 tp "cwz rotation result unique" prop_cwz_rotation_result_unique,
84 tp "four cwx is identity" prop_four_cwx_is_identity,
85 tp "four ccwx is identity" prop_four_ccwx_is_identity,
86 tp "four cwy is identity" prop_four_cwy_is_identity,
87 tp "four ccwy is identity" prop_four_ccwy_is_identity,
88 tp "four cwz is identity" prop_four_cwz_is_identity,
89 tp "four ccwz is identity" prop_four_ccwz_is_identity]
92 p78_24_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
93 p78_24_properties =
94 testGroup "p. 78, Section (2.4) Properties" [
95 tp "c3000 identity" TT.prop_c3000_identity,
96 tp "c2100 identity" TT.prop_c2100_identity,
97 tp "c1110 identity" TT.prop_c1110_identity]
99 p78_25_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
100 p78_25_properties =
101 testGroup "p. 78, Section (2.5) Properties" [
102 tp "c_ijk1 identity" prop_cijk1_identity ]
104 edge_incidence_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
105 edge_incidence_tests =
106 testGroup "Edge Incidence Tests" [
107 tp "t0 shares edge with t6" prop_t0_shares_edge_with_t6,
108 tp "t0 shares edge with t1" prop_t0_shares_edge_with_t1,
109 tp "t0 shares edge with t3" prop_t0_shares_edge_with_t3,
110 tp "t1 shares edge with t2" prop_t1_shares_edge_with_t2,
111 tp "t1 shares edge with t19" prop_t1_shares_edge_with_t19,
112 tp "t2 shares edge with t3" prop_t2_shares_edge_with_t3,
113 tp "t2 shares edge with t12" prop_t2_shares_edge_with_t12,
114 tp "t3 shares edge with t21" prop_t3_shares_edge_with_t21,
115 tp "t4 shares edge with t5" prop_t4_shares_edge_with_t5,
116 tp "t4 shares edge with t7" prop_t4_shares_edge_with_t7,
117 tp "t4 shares edge with t10" prop_t4_shares_edge_with_t10,
118 tp "t5 shares edge with t6" prop_t5_shares_edge_with_t6,
119 tp "t5 shares edge with t16" prop_t5_shares_edge_with_t16,
120 tp "t6 shares edge with t7" prop_t6_shares_edge_with_t7,
121 tp "t7 shares edge with t20" prop_t7_shares_edge_with_t20 ]
124 p79_26_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
125 p79_26_properties =
126 testGroup "p. 79, Section (2.6) Properties" [
127 tp "c0120 identity1" TC.prop_c0120_identity1,
128 tp "c0120 identity2" TC.prop_c0120_identity2,
129 tp "c0120 identity3" TC.prop_c0120_identity3,
130 tp "c0120 identity4" TC.prop_c0120_identity4,
131 tp "c0120 identity5" TC.prop_c0120_identity5,
132 tp "c0120 identity6" TC.prop_c0120_identity6,
133 tp "c0120 identity7" TC.prop_c0120_identity7,
134 tp "c0210 identity1" TC.prop_c0210_identity1,
135 tp "c0300 identity1" TC.prop_c0300_identity1,
136 tp "c1110 identity" TC.prop_c1110_identity,
137 tp "c1200 identity1" TC.prop_c1200_identity1,
138 tp "c2100 identity1" TC.prop_c2100_identity1]
140 p79_27_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
141 p79_27_properties =
142 testGroup "p. 79, Section (2.7) Properties" [
143 tp "c0102 identity1" TC.prop_c0102_identity1,
144 tp "c0201 identity1" TC.prop_c0201_identity1,
145 tp "c0300 identity2" TC.prop_c0300_identity2,
146 tp "c1101 identity" TC.prop_c1101_identity,
147 tp "c1200 identity2" TC.prop_c1200_identity2,
148 tp "c2100 identity2" TC.prop_c2100_identity2 ]
151 p79_28_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
152 p79_28_properties =
153 testGroup "p. 79, Section (2.8) Properties" [
154 tp "c3000 identity" TC.prop_c3000_identity,
155 tp "c2010 identity" TC.prop_c2010_identity,
156 tp "c2001 identity" TC.prop_c2001_identity,
157 tp "c1020 identity" TC.prop_c1020_identity,
158 tp "c1002 identity" TC.prop_c1002_identity,
159 tp "c1011 identity" TC.prop_c1011_identity ]
162 cube_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
163 cube_properties =
164 testGroup "Cube Properties" [
165 tp "front/back tetrahedra are disjoint" prop_front_back_tetrahedra_disjoint,
166 tp "top/down tetrahedra are disjoint" prop_top_down_tetrahedra_disjoint,
167 tp "left/right tetrahedra are disjoint" prop_left_right_tetrahedra_disjoint,
168 tp "all volumes positive" prop_all_volumes_positive,
169 tp "all volumes exact" prop_all_volumes_exact,
170 tp "v0 all equal" prop_v0_all_equal,
171 tp "interior values all identical" prop_interior_values_all_identical,
172 tp "c-tilde_2100 rotation correct" prop_c_tilde_2100_rotation_correct,
173 tp "c-tilde_2100 correct" prop_c_tilde_2100_correct ]
176 tetrahedron_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
177 tetrahedron_properties =
178 testGroup "Tetrahedron Properties" [
179 tp "b0_v0_always_unity" prop_b0_v0_always_unity,
180 tp "b0_v1_always_zero" prop_b0_v1_always_zero,
181 tp "b0_v2_always_zero" prop_b0_v2_always_zero,
182 tp "b0_v3_always_zero" prop_b0_v3_always_zero,
183 tp "b1_v1_always_unity" prop_b1_v1_always_unity,
184 tp "b1_v0_always_zero" prop_b1_v0_always_zero,
185 tp "b1_v2_always_zero" prop_b1_v2_always_zero,
186 tp "b1_v3_always_zero" prop_b1_v3_always_zero,
187 tp "b2_v2_always_unity" prop_b2_v2_always_unity,
188 tp "b2_v0_always_zero" prop_b2_v0_always_zero,
189 tp "b2_v1_always_zero" prop_b2_v1_always_zero,
190 tp "b2_v3_always_zero" prop_b2_v3_always_zero,
191 tp "b3_v3_always_unity" prop_b3_v3_always_unity,
192 tp "b3_v0_always_zero" prop_b3_v0_always_zero,
193 tp "b3_v1_always_zero" prop_b3_v1_always_zero,
194 tp "b3_v2_always_zero" prop_b3_v2_always_zero,
195 tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients1"
196 $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients1,
197 tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients2"
198 $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients2,
199 tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients3"
200 $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients3,
201 tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients4"
202 $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients4,
203 tp "x rotation doesn't affect front" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front,
204 tp "x rotation doesn't affect back" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back,
205 tp "y rotation doesn't affect left" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left,
206 tp "y rotation doesn't affect right" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right,
207 tp "z rotation doesn't affect top" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top,
208 tp "z rotation doesn't affect down" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down ]
210 tests :: [Test.Framework.Test]
211 tests = [ cardinal_tests,
212 function_values_tests,
213 grid_tests,
214 misc_tests,
215 tetrahedron_tests,
216 cube_properties,
217 tetrahedron_properties,
218 misc_properties,
219 cardinal_properties,
220 edge_incidence_tests,
221 p78_24_properties,
222 -- p78_25_properties,
223 p79_26_properties,
224 p79_27_properties,
225 p79_28_properties ]