]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - QR.hs
[numerical-analysis.git] / QR.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
4 -- | QR factorization via Givens rotations.
5 --
6 module Linear.QR (
7 eigenvalues,
8 eigenvectors_symmetric,
9 givens_rotator,
10 qr )
11 where
13 import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring ( C )
14 import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
15 import Control.Arrow ( first )
16 import Data.Vector.Fixed ( S, ifoldl )
17 import Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont ( Arity )
18 import NumericPrelude hiding ( (*) )
20 import Linear.Matrix (
21 Col,
22 Mat(..),
23 (*),
24 (!!!),
25 construct,
26 diagonal,
27 identity_matrix,
28 symmetric,
29 transpose )
32 -- | Construct a givens rotation matrix that will operate on row @i@
33 -- and column @j@. This is done to create zeros in some column of
34 -- the target matrix. You must also supply that column's @i@th and
35 -- @j@th entries as arguments.
36 --
37 -- Examples (Watkins, p. 193):
38 --
39 -- >>> import Normed ( Normed(..) )
40 -- >>> import Linear.Vector ( Vec2, Vec3 )
41 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Mat2, Mat3, fromList, frobenius_norm )
42 -- >>> import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as V ( map )
43 --
44 -- >>> let m = givens_rotator 0 1 1 1 :: Mat2 Double
45 -- >>> let m2 = fromList [[1, -1],[1, 1]] :: Mat2 Double
46 -- >>> m == (1 / (sqrt 2) :: Double) *> m2
47 -- True
48 --
49 -- >>> let m = fromList [[2,3],[5,7]] :: Mat2 Double
50 -- >>> let rot = givens_rotator 0 1 2.0 5.0 :: Mat2 Double
51 -- >>> ((transpose rot) * m) !!! (1,0) < 1e-12
52 -- True
53 -- >>> let (Mat rows) = rot
54 -- >>> let (Mat cols) = transpose rot
55 -- >>> V.map norm rows :: Vec2 Double
56 -- fromList [1.0,1.0]
57 -- >>> V.map norm cols :: Vec2 Double
58 -- fromList [1.0,1.0]
59 --
60 -- >>> let m = fromList [[12,-51,4],[6,167,-68],[-4,24,-41]] :: Mat3 Double
61 -- >>> let rot = givens_rotator 1 2 6 (-4) :: Mat3 Double
62 -- >>> let ex_rot_r1 = [1,0,0] :: [Double]
63 -- >>> let ex_rot_r2 = [0,0.83205,-0.55470] :: [Double]
64 -- >>> let ex_rot_r3 = [0, 0.55470, 0.83205] :: [Double]
65 -- >>> let ex_rot = fromList [ex_rot_r1, ex_rot_r2, ex_rot_r3] :: Mat3 Double
66 -- >>> frobenius_norm ((transpose rot) - ex_rot) < 1e-4
67 -- True
68 -- >>> ((transpose rot) * m) !!! (2,0) == 0
69 -- True
70 -- >>> let (Mat rows) = rot
71 -- >>> let (Mat cols) = transpose rot
72 -- >>> V.map norm rows :: Vec3 Double
73 -- fromList [1.0,1.0,1.0]
74 -- >>> V.map norm cols :: Vec3 Double
75 -- fromList [1.0,1.0,1.0]
76 --
77 givens_rotator :: forall m a. (Eq a, Ring.C a, Algebraic.C a, Arity m)
78 => Int -> Int -> a -> a -> Mat m m a
79 givens_rotator i j xi xj =
80 construct f
81 where
82 xnorm = sqrt $ xi^2 + xj^2
83 c = if xnorm == (fromInteger 0) then (fromInteger 1) else xi / xnorm
84 s = if xnorm == (fromInteger 0) then (fromInteger 0) else xj / xnorm
86 f :: Int -> Int -> a
87 f y z
88 | y == i && z == i = c
89 | y == j && z == j = c
90 | y == i && z == j = negate s
91 | y == j && z == i = s
92 | y == z = fromInteger 1
93 | otherwise = fromInteger 0
96 -- | Compute the QR factorization of a matrix (using Givens
97 -- rotations). This is accomplished with two folds: the first one
98 -- traverses the columns of the matrix from left to right, and the
99 -- second traverses the entries of the column from top to
100 -- bottom.
101 --
102 -- The state that is passed through the fold is the current (q,r)
103 -- factorization. We keep the pair updated by multiplying @q@ and
104 -- @r@ by the new rotator (or its transpose).
105 --
106 -- We do not require that the diagonal elements of R are positive,
107 -- so our factorization is a little less unique than usual.
108 --
109 -- Examples:
110 --
111 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix
112 --
113 -- >>> let m = fromList [[1,2],[1,3]] :: Mat2 Double
114 -- >>> let (q,r) = qr m
115 -- >>> let c = (1 / (sqrt 2 :: Double))
116 -- >>> let ex_q = c *> (fromList [[1,-1],[1,1]] :: Mat2 Double)
117 -- >>> let ex_r = c *> (fromList [[2,5],[0,1]] :: Mat2 Double)
118 -- >>> frobenius_norm (q - ex_q) == 0
119 -- True
120 -- >>> frobenius_norm (r - ex_r) == 0
121 -- True
122 -- >>> let m' = q*r
123 -- >>> frobenius_norm (m - m') < 1e-10
124 -- True
125 -- >>> is_upper_triangular' 1e-10 r
126 -- True
127 --
128 -- >>> let m = fromList [[2,3],[5,7]] :: Mat2 Double
129 -- >>> let (q,r) = qr m
130 -- >>> frobenius_norm (m - (q*r)) < 1e-12
131 -- True
132 -- >>> is_upper_triangular' 1e-10 r
133 -- True
134 --
135 -- >>> let m = fromList [[12,-51,4],[6,167,-68],[-4,24,-41]] :: Mat3 Double
136 -- >>> let (q,r) = qr m
137 -- >>> frobenius_norm (m - (q*r)) < 1e-12
138 -- True
139 -- >>> is_upper_triangular' 1e-10 r
140 -- True
141 --
142 qr :: forall m n a. (Arity m, Arity n, Eq a, Algebraic.C a, Ring.C a)
143 => Mat (S m) (S n) a
144 -> (Mat (S m) (S m) a, Mat (S m) (S n) a)
145 qr matrix =
146 ifoldl col_function initial_qr columns
147 where
148 Mat columns = transpose matrix
150 initial_qr :: (Mat (S m) (S m) a, Mat (S m) (S n) a)
151 initial_qr = (identity_matrix, matrix)
153 -- | Process the column and spit out the current QR
154 -- factorization. In the first column, we want to get rotators
155 -- Q12, Q13, Q14,... In the second column, we want rotators Q23,
156 -- Q24, Q25,...
157 col_function (q,r) col_idx col =
158 ifoldl (f col_idx) (q,r) col
160 -- | Process the entries in a column, doing basically the same
161 -- thing as col_function does. It updates the QR factorization,
162 -- maybe, and returns the current one.
163 f col_idx (q,r) idx _ -- ignore the current element
164 | idx <= col_idx = (q,r) -- leave it alone
165 | otherwise = (q*rotator, (transpose rotator)*r)
166 where
167 y = r !!! (idx, col_idx)
168 rotator :: Mat (S m) (S m) a
169 rotator = givens_rotator col_idx idx (r !!! (col_idx, col_idx)) y
173 -- | Determine the eigenvalues of the given @matrix@ using the
174 -- iterated QR algorithm (see Golub and Van Loan, \"Matrix
175 -- Computations\").
176 --
177 -- Warning: this may not converge if there are repeated eigenvalues
178 -- (in magnitude).
179 --
180 -- Examples:
181 --
182 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Col2, Col3, Mat2, Mat3 )
183 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( frobenius_norm, fromList, identity_matrix )
184 --
185 -- >>> let m = fromList [[1,1],[-2,4]] :: Mat2 Double
186 -- >>> let actual = eigenvalues 1000 m
187 -- >>> let expected = fromList [[3],[2]] :: Col2 Double
188 -- >>> frobenius_norm (actual - expected) < 1e-12
189 -- True
190 --
191 -- >>> let m = identity_matrix :: Mat2 Double
192 -- >>> let actual = eigenvalues 10 m
193 -- >>> let expected = fromList [[1],[1]] :: Col2 Double
194 -- >>> frobenius_norm (actual - expected) < 1e-12
195 -- True
196 --
197 -- >>> let m = fromList [[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,-3,3]] :: Mat3 Double
198 -- >>> let actual = eigenvalues 1000 m
199 -- >>> let expected = fromList [[1],[1],[1]] :: Col3 Double
200 -- >>> frobenius_norm (actual - expected) < 1e-2
201 -- True
202 --
203 eigenvalues :: forall m a. (Arity m, Algebraic.C a, Eq a)
204 => Int
205 -> Mat (S m) (S m) a
206 -> Col (S m) a
207 eigenvalues iterations matrix
208 | iterations < 0 = error "negative iterations requested"
209 | iterations == 0 = diagonal matrix
210 | otherwise =
211 diagonal (ut_approximation (iterations - 1))
212 where
213 ut_approximation :: Int -> Mat (S m) (S m) a
214 ut_approximation 0 = matrix
215 ut_approximation k = ut_next
216 where
217 ut_prev = ut_approximation (k-1)
218 (qk,rk) = qr ut_prev
219 ut_next = rk*qk
223 -- | Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix
224 -- using an iterative QR algorithm. This is similar to what we do in
225 -- 'eigenvalues' except we also return the product of all \"Q\"
226 -- matrices that we have generated. This turns out to me the matrix
227 -- of eigenvectors when the original matrix is symmetric. For
228 -- references see Goluv and Van Loan, \"Matrix Computations\", or
229 -- \"Calculation of Gauss Quadrature Rules\" by Golub and Welsch.
230 --
231 -- Warning: this may not converge if there are repeated eigenvalues
232 -- (in magnitude).
233 --
234 -- Examples:
235 --
236 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Col2, Col3, Mat2, Mat3 )
237 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( column, frobenius_norm, fromList )
238 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( identity_matrix, vec3d )
239 -- >>> import Normed ( Normed(..) )
240 --
241 -- >>> let m = identity_matrix :: Mat3 Double
242 -- >>> let (vals, vecs) = eigenvectors_symmetric 100 m
243 -- >>> let expected_vals = fromList [[1],[1],[1]] :: Col3 Double
244 -- >>> let expected_vecs = m
245 -- >>> vals == expected_vals
246 -- True
247 -- >>> vecs == expected_vecs
248 -- True
249 --
250 -- >>> let m = fromList [[3,2,4],[2,0,2],[4,2,3]] :: Mat3 Double
251 -- >>> let (vals, vecs) = eigenvectors_symmetric 1000 m
252 -- >>> let expected_vals = fromList [[8],[-1],[-1]] :: Col3 Double
253 -- >>> let v0' = vec3d (2, 1, 2) :: Col3 Double
254 -- >>> let v0 = (1 / (norm v0') :: Double) *> v0'
255 -- >>> let v1' = vec3d (-1, 2, 0) :: Col3 Double
256 -- >>> let v1 = (1 / (norm v1') :: Double) *> v1'
257 -- >>> let v2' = vec3d (-4, -2, 5) :: Col3 Double
258 -- >>> let v2 = (1 / (norm v2') :: Double) *> v2'
259 -- >>> frobenius_norm ((column vecs 0) - v0) < 1e-12
260 -- True
261 -- >>> frobenius_norm ((column vecs 1) - v1) < 1e-12
262 -- True
263 -- >>> frobenius_norm ((column vecs 2) - v2) < 1e-12
264 -- True
265 --
266 eigenvectors_symmetric :: forall m a. (Arity m, Algebraic.C a, Eq a)
267 => Int
268 -> Mat (S m) (S m) a
269 -> (Col (S m) a, Mat (S m) (S m) a)
270 eigenvectors_symmetric iterations matrix
271 | iterations < 0 = error "negative iterations requested"
272 | iterations == 0 = (diagonal matrix, identity_matrix)
273 | not $ symmetric matrix = error "argument is not symmetric"
274 | otherwise =
275 (values, vectors)
276 where
277 -- | We think of \"T\" as an approximation to an
278 -- upper-triangular matrix from which we get our
279 -- eigenvalues. The matrix \"P\" is the product of all
280 -- previous \"Q\"s and its columns approximate the
281 -- eigenvectors.
282 tp_pair :: Int -> (Mat (S m) (S m) a, Mat (S m) (S m) a)
283 tp_pair 0 = (matrix, identity_matrix)
284 tp_pair k = (tk,pk)
285 where
286 (t_prev, p_prev) = tp_pair (k-1)
287 (qk,rk) = qr t_prev
288 pk = p_prev*qk
289 tk = rk*qk
291 (values, vectors) = (first diagonal) (tp_pair iterations)