]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - Piecewise.hs
[numerical-analysis.git] / Piecewise.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 module Piecewise (
4 Piecewise(..),
5 evaluate,
6 evaluate',
7 from_intervals,
8 list_plot' )
9 where
11 import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive ( C )
12 import qualified Algebra.Field as Field ( C )
13 import Control.Arrow ( first )
14 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
15 import Misc ( partition )
16 import NumericPrelude
17 import qualified Prelude as P
19 -- | A predicate is basically a function that returns True or
20 -- False. In this case, the predicate is used to determine which
21 -- piece of a 'Piecewise' function we want to use.
22 type Predicate a = (a -> Bool)
25 -- | One piece of a piecewise function. The predicate determines
26 -- whether or not the point lies within this piece, and the second
27 -- component (a function) is what we'll evaluate if it does.
28 type Piece a = (Predicate a, (a -> a))
30 -- | A representation of piecewise functions of one variable. A first
31 -- approach might use a list of intervals paired with the function's
32 -- value on those intervals. Rather than limit ourselves to a list
33 -- of intervals, we allow the use of any predicate. The simple
34 -- intervals case can be implemented with the predicate, \"is x
35 -- between x1 and x2?\".
36 data Piecewise a =
37 Piecewise { pieces :: [Piece a] }
40 -- | Evaluate a piecewise function at a point. If the point is within
41 -- the domain of the function, the function is evaluated at the
42 -- point and the result is returned wrapped in a 'Just'. If the
43 -- point is outside of the domain, 'Nothing' is returned.
44 evaluate :: Piecewise a -> a -> Maybe a
45 evaluate (Piecewise pieces) x =
46 foldl f Nothing pieces
47 where
48 f (Just y) _ = Just y
49 f Nothing (p,g) = if p x then Just (g x) else Nothing
52 -- | Evaluate a piecewise function at a point. If the point is within
53 -- the domain of the function, the function is evaluated at the
54 -- point and the result is returned. If the point is outside of the
55 -- domain, zero is returned.
56 evaluate' :: (Additive.C a) => Piecewise a -> a -> a
57 evaluate' pw x =
58 case evaluate pw x of
59 Nothing -> zero
60 Just result -> result
63 -- | Construct a piecewise function from a list of intervals paired
64 -- with functions. This is a convenience function that automatically
65 -- converts intervals to \"contained in\" predicates.
66 --
67 -- Examples:
68 --
69 -- >>> let p1 = ((-1,0), \x -> -x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
70 -- >>> let p2 = ((0,1), \x -> x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
71 -- >>> let ivs = [p1, p2]
72 -- >>> let pw = from_intervals ivs
73 -- >>> evaluate' pw (-0.5)
74 -- 0.5
75 -- >>> evaluate' pw 0.5
76 -- 0.5
77 --
78 from_intervals :: forall a. (Ord a) => [((a,a), (a -> a))] -> Piecewise a
79 from_intervals =
80 Piecewise . map (first f)
81 where
82 f :: (a,a) -> Predicate a
83 f (x1,x2) x = x1 <= x && x <= x2
86 -- | Plot a piecewise function over an interval @(x0,x1)@ using
87 -- 'evaluate''. Return the result a list of @(x,y)@ tuples.
88 --
89 -- Examples:
90 --
91 -- >>> let p1 = ((-1,0), \x -> -x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
92 -- >>> let p2 = ((0,1), \x -> x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
93 -- >>> let ivs = [p1, p2]
94 -- >>> let pw = from_intervals ivs
95 -- >>> list_plot' pw (-2) 2 4
96 -- [(-2.0,0.0),(-1.0,1.0),(0.0,-0.0),(1.0,1.0),(2.0,0.0)]
97 --
98 list_plot' :: (Additive.C a, Field.C a)
99 => Piecewise a
100 -> a
101 -> a
102 -> Int
103 -> [(a,a)]
104 list_plot' pw x0 x1 subintervals =
105 [ (x, evaluate' pw x) | x <- nodes ]
106 where
107 nodes = x0 : (map snd $ partition subintervals x0 x1)