]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - Matrix.hs
[numerical-analysis.git] / Matrix.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
9 module Linear.Matrix
10 where
12 import Data.List (intercalate)
14 import Data.Vector.Fixed (
15 Dim,
16 Vector
17 )
18 import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as V (
19 N1,
20 and,
21 fromList,
22 length,
23 map,
24 replicate,
25 toList,
26 zipWith
27 )
28 import Data.Vector.Fixed.Internal (Arity, arity, S)
29 import Linear.Vector
30 import Normed
32 import NumericPrelude hiding ((*), abs)
33 import qualified NumericPrelude as NP ((*))
34 import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic
35 import Algebra.Algebraic (root)
36 import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive
37 import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring
38 import qualified Algebra.Module as Module
39 import qualified Algebra.RealRing as RealRing
40 import qualified Algebra.ToRational as ToRational
41 import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Transcendental
42 import qualified Prelude as P
44 data Mat v w a = (Vector v (w a), Vector w a) => Mat (v (w a))
45 type Mat1 a = Mat D1 D1 a
46 type Mat2 a = Mat D2 D2 a
47 type Mat3 a = Mat D3 D3 a
48 type Mat4 a = Mat D4 D4 a
50 -- We can't just declare that all instances of Vector are instances of
51 -- Eq unfortunately. We wind up with an overlapping instance for
52 -- w (w a).
53 instance (Eq a, Vector v Bool, Vector w Bool) => Eq (Mat v w a) where
54 -- | Compare a row at a time.
55 --
56 -- Examples:
57 --
58 -- >>> let m1 = fromList [[1,2],[3,4]] :: Mat2 Int
59 -- >>> let m2 = fromList [[1,2],[3,4]] :: Mat2 Int
60 -- >>> let m3 = fromList [[5,6],[7,8]] :: Mat2 Int
61 -- >>> m1 == m2
62 -- True
63 -- >>> m1 == m3
64 -- False
65 --
66 (Mat rows1) == (Mat rows2) =
67 V.and $ V.zipWith comp rows1 rows2
68 where
69 -- Compare a row, one column at a time.
70 comp row1 row2 = V.and (V.zipWith (==) row1 row2)
73 instance (Show a, Vector v String, Vector w String) => Show (Mat v w a) where
74 -- | Display matrices and vectors as ordinary tuples. This is poor
75 -- practice, but these results are primarily displayed
76 -- interactively and convenience trumps correctness (said the guy
77 -- who insists his vector lengths be statically checked at
78 -- compile-time).
79 --
80 -- Examples:
81 --
82 -- >>> let m = fromList [[1,2],[3,4]] :: Mat2 Int
83 -- >>> show m
84 -- ((1,2),(3,4))
85 --
86 show (Mat rows) =
87 "(" ++ (intercalate "," (V.toList row_strings)) ++ ")"
88 where
89 row_strings = V.map show_vector rows
90 show_vector v1 =
91 "(" ++ (intercalate "," element_strings) ++ ")"
92 where
93 v1l = V.toList v1
94 element_strings = P.map show v1l
98 -- | Convert a matrix to a nested list.
99 toList :: Mat v w a -> [[a]]
100 toList (Mat rows) = map V.toList (V.toList rows)
102 -- | Create a matrix from a nested list.
103 fromList :: (Vector v (w a), Vector w a, Vector v a) => [[a]] -> Mat v w a
104 fromList vs = Mat (V.fromList $ map V.fromList vs)
107 -- | Unsafe indexing.
108 (!!!) :: (Vector w a) => Mat v w a -> (Int, Int) -> a
109 (!!!) m (i, j) = (row m i) ! j
111 -- | Safe indexing.
112 (!!?) :: Mat v w a -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe a
113 (!!?) m@(Mat rows) (i, j)
114 | i < 0 || j < 0 = Nothing
115 | i > V.length rows = Nothing
116 | otherwise = if j > V.length (row m j)
117 then Nothing
118 else Just $ (row m j) ! j
121 -- | The number of rows in the matrix.
122 nrows :: Mat v w a -> Int
123 nrows (Mat rows) = V.length rows
125 -- | The number of columns in the first row of the
126 -- matrix. Implementation stolen from Data.Vector.Fixed.length.
127 ncols :: forall v w a. (Vector w a) => Mat v w a -> Int
128 ncols _ = (arity (undefined :: Dim w))
130 -- | Return the @i@th row of @m@. Unsafe.
131 row :: Mat v w a -> Int -> w a
132 row (Mat rows) i = rows ! i
135 -- | Return the @j@th column of @m@. Unsafe.
136 column :: (Vector v a) => Mat v w a -> Int -> v a
137 column (Mat rows) j =
138 V.map (element j) rows
139 where
140 element = flip (!)
143 -- | Transpose @m@; switch it's columns and its rows. This is a dirty
144 -- implementation.. it would be a little cleaner to use imap, but it
145 -- doesn't seem to work.
146 --
147 -- TODO: Don't cheat with fromList.
148 --
149 -- Examples:
150 --
151 -- >>> let m = fromList [[1,2], [3,4]] :: Mat2 Int
152 -- >>> transpose m
153 -- ((1,3),(2,4))
154 --
155 transpose :: (Vector w (v a),
156 Vector v a,
157 Vector w a)
158 => Mat v w a
159 -> Mat w v a
160 transpose m = Mat $ V.fromList column_list
161 where
162 column_list = [ column m i | i <- [0..(ncols m)-1] ]
165 -- | Is @m@ symmetric?
166 --
167 -- Examples:
168 --
169 -- >>> let m1 = fromList [[1,2], [2,1]] :: Mat2 Int
170 -- >>> symmetric m1
171 -- True
172 --
173 -- >>> let m2 = fromList [[1,2], [3,1]] :: Mat2 Int
174 -- >>> symmetric m2
175 -- False
176 --
177 symmetric :: (Vector v (w a),
178 Vector w a,
179 v ~ w,
180 Vector w Bool,
181 Eq a)
182 => Mat v w a
183 -> Bool
184 symmetric m =
185 m == (transpose m)
188 -- | Construct a new matrix from a function @lambda@. The function
189 -- @lambda@ should take two parameters i,j corresponding to the
190 -- entries in the matrix. The i,j entry of the resulting matrix will
191 -- have the value returned by lambda i j.
192 --
193 -- TODO: Don't cheat with fromList.
194 --
195 -- Examples:
196 --
197 -- >>> let lambda i j = i + j
198 -- >>> construct lambda :: Mat3 Int
199 -- ((0,1,2),(1,2,3),(2,3,4))
200 --
201 construct :: forall v w a.
202 (Vector v (w a),
203 Vector w a)
204 => (Int -> Int -> a)
205 -> Mat v w a
206 construct lambda = Mat rows
207 where
208 -- The arity trick is used in Data.Vector.Fixed.length.
209 imax = (arity (undefined :: Dim v)) - 1
210 jmax = (arity (undefined :: Dim w)) - 1
211 row' i = V.fromList [ lambda i j | j <- [0..jmax] ]
212 rows = V.fromList [ row' i | i <- [0..imax] ]
214 -- | Given a positive-definite matrix @m@, computes the
215 -- upper-triangular matrix @r@ with (transpose r)*r == m and all
216 -- values on the diagonal of @r@ positive.
217 --
218 -- Examples:
219 --
220 -- >>> let m1 = fromList [[20,-1], [-1,20]] :: Mat2 Double
221 -- >>> cholesky m1
222 -- ((4.47213595499958,-0.22360679774997896),(0.0,4.466542286825459))
223 -- >>> (transpose (cholesky m1)) * (cholesky m1)
224 -- ((20.000000000000004,-1.0),(-1.0,20.0))
225 --
226 cholesky :: forall a v w.
227 (Algebraic.C a,
228 Vector v (w a),
229 Vector w a,
230 Vector v a)
231 => (Mat v w a)
232 -> (Mat v w a)
233 cholesky m = construct r
234 where
235 r :: Int -> Int -> a
236 r i j | i == j = sqrt(m !!! (i,j) - sum [(r k i)^2 | k <- [0..i-1]])
237 | i < j =
238 (((m !!! (i,j)) - sum [(r k i) NP.* (r k j) | k <- [0..i-1]]))/(r i i)
239 | otherwise = 0
242 -- | Matrix multiplication. Our 'Num' instance doesn't define one, and
243 -- we need additional restrictions on the result type anyway.
244 --
245 -- Examples:
246 --
247 -- >>> let m1 = fromList [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] :: Mat D2 D3 Int
248 -- >>> let m2 = fromList [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] :: Mat D3 D2 Int
249 -- >>> m1 * m2
250 -- ((22,28),(49,64))
251 --
252 infixl 7 *
253 (*) :: (Ring.C a,
254 Vector v a,
255 Vector w a,
256 Vector z a,
257 Vector v (z a))
258 => Mat v w a
259 -> Mat w z a
260 -> Mat v z a
261 (*) m1 m2 = construct lambda
262 where
263 lambda i j =
264 sum [(m1 !!! (i,k)) NP.* (m2 !!! (k,j)) | k <- [0..(ncols m1)-1] ]
268 instance (Ring.C a,
269 Vector v (w a),
270 Vector w a)
271 => Additive.C (Mat v w a) where
273 (Mat rows1) + (Mat rows2) =
274 Mat $ V.zipWith (V.zipWith (+)) rows1 rows2
276 (Mat rows1) - (Mat rows2) =
277 Mat $ V.zipWith (V.zipWith (-)) rows1 rows2
279 zero = Mat (V.replicate $ V.replicate (fromInteger 0))
282 instance (Ring.C a,
283 Vector v (w a),
284 Vector w a,
285 v ~ w)
286 => Ring.C (Mat v w a) where
287 -- The first * is ring multiplication, the second is matrix
288 -- multiplication.
289 m1 * m2 = m1 * m2
292 instance (Ring.C a,
293 Vector v (w a),
294 Vector w a)
295 => Module.C a (Mat v w a) where
296 -- We can multiply a matrix by a scalar of the same type as its
297 -- elements.
298 x *> (Mat rows) = Mat $ V.map (V.map (NP.* x)) rows
301 instance (Algebraic.C a,
302 ToRational.C a,
303 Vector v (w a),
304 Vector w a,
305 Vector v a,
306 Vector v [a])
307 => Normed (Mat v w a) where
308 -- | Generic p-norms. The usual norm in R^n is (norm_p 2). We treat
309 -- all matrices as big vectors.
310 --
311 -- Examples:
312 --
313 -- >>> let v1 = vec2d (3,4)
314 -- >>> norm_p 1 v1
315 -- 7.0
316 -- >>> norm_p 2 v1
317 -- 5.0
318 --
319 norm_p p (Mat rows) =
320 (root p') $ sum [(fromRational' $ toRational x)^p' | x <- xs]
321 where
322 p' = toInteger p
323 xs = concat $ V.toList $ V.map V.toList rows
325 -- | The infinity norm. We don't use V.maximum here because it
326 -- relies on a type constraint that the vector be non-empty and I
327 -- don't know how to pattern match it away.
328 --
329 -- Examples:
330 --
331 -- >>> let v1 = vec3d (1,5,2)
332 -- >>> norm_infty v1
333 -- 5
334 --
335 norm_infty m@(Mat rows)
336 | nrows m == 0 || ncols m == 0 = 0
337 | otherwise =
338 fromRational' $ toRational $
339 P.maximum $ V.toList $ V.map (P.maximum . V.toList) rows
345 -- Vector helpers. We want it to be easy to create low-dimension
346 -- column vectors, which are nx1 matrices.
348 -- | Convenient constructor for 2D vectors.
349 --
350 -- Examples:
351 --
352 -- >>> import Roots.Simple
353 -- >>> let h = 0.5 :: Double
354 -- >>> let g1 (Mat (D2 (D1 x) (D1 y))) = 1.0 + h NP.* exp(-(x^2))/(1.0 + y^2)
355 -- >>> let g2 (Mat (D2 (D1 x) (D1 y))) = 0.5 + h NP.* atan(x^2 + y^2)
356 -- >>> let g u = vec2d ((g1 u), (g2 u))
357 -- >>> let u0 = vec2d (1.0, 1.0)
358 -- >>> let eps = 1/(10^9)
359 -- >>> fixed_point g eps u0
360 -- ((1.0728549599342185),(1.0820591495686167))
361 --
362 vec2d :: (a,a) -> Mat D2 D1 a
363 vec2d (x,y) = Mat (D2 (D1 x) (D1 y))
365 vec3d :: (a,a,a) -> Mat D3 D1 a
366 vec3d (x,y,z) = Mat (D3 (D1 x) (D1 y) (D1 z))
368 vec4d :: (a,a,a,a) -> Mat D4 D1 a
369 vec4d (w,x,y,z) = Mat (D4 (D1 w) (D1 x) (D1 y) (D1 z))
371 -- Since we commandeered multiplication, we need to create 1x1
372 -- matrices in order to multiply things.
373 scalar :: a -> Mat D1 D1 a
374 scalar x = Mat (D1 (D1 x))
376 dot :: (RealRing.C a,
377 Dim w ~ V.N1,
378 Dim v ~ S n,
379 Vector v a,
380 Vector w a,
381 Vector w (v a),
382 Vector w (w a))
383 => Mat v w a
384 -> Mat v w a
385 -> a
386 v1 `dot` v2 = ((transpose v1) * v2) !!! (0, 0)
389 -- | The angle between @v1@ and @v2@ in Euclidean space.
390 --
391 -- Examples:
392 --
393 -- >>> let v1 = vec2d (1.0, 0.0)
394 -- >>> let v2 = vec2d (0.0, 1.0)
395 -- >>> angle v1 v2 == pi/2.0
396 -- True
397 --
398 angle :: (Transcendental.C a,
399 RealRing.C a,
400 Dim w ~ V.N1,
401 Dim v ~ S n,
402 Vector w (w a),
403 Vector v [a],
404 Vector v a,
405 Vector w a,
406 Vector v (w a),
407 Vector w (v a),
408 ToRational.C a)
409 => Mat v w a
410 -> Mat v w a
411 -> a
412 angle v1 v2 =
413 acos theta
414 where
415 theta = (recip norms) NP.* (v1 `dot` v2)
416 norms = (norm v1) NP.* (norm v2)