]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - mailbox-count.git/blob - Main.hs
[mailbox-count.git] / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
3 module Main
4 where
6 import Data.List ( foldl' )
7 import qualified Data.Map as Map ( Map, alter, empty )
8 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
9 import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
10 import Database.HDBC (
11 IConnection,
12 SqlValue,
13 disconnect,
14 safeFromSql,
15 quickQuery )
16 import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL ( connectPostgreSQL )
17 import System.Console.CmdArgs ( def )
19 import CommandLine ( get_args )
20 import Configuration ( Configuration(..), merge_optional )
21 import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( from_rc )
23 type Domain = String
24 type Username = String
25 type Count = Int
27 -- | A wrapper around a (domain, count) pair to keep things type-safe.
28 data DomainCount = DomainCount Domain Count
30 instance Show DomainCount where
31 -- | Display a DomainCount in the form \"domain: count\".
32 --
33 -- Examples:
34 --
35 -- >>> let dc = DomainCount "example.com" 100
36 -- >>> show dc
37 -- "example.com: 100"
38 --
39 show (DomainCount domain count) = domain ++ ": " ++ (show count)
42 -- | A wrapper around a (domain, user) pair to keep things type-safe.
43 data DomainUser =
44 DomainUser Domain Username
45 deriving (Show)
48 -- | In the detailed report, we store the usernames as a map from a
49 -- domain name to a list of usernames. This type synonym is the type
50 -- of that map.
51 type DomainUserMap = Map.Map Domain [Username]
54 -- | Convert a list of [SqlByteString, SqlInt32] to 'DomainCount's. If
55 -- the conversion doesn't work for some reason (bad data, not enough
56 -- columns, etc.), we return 'Nothing'.
57 --
58 -- Examples:
59 --
60 -- >>> import Database.HDBC ( iToSql, toSql )
61 --
62 -- >>> list_to_domain_count [toSql "example.com", iToSql 100]
63 -- Just example.com: 100
64 --
65 -- >>> list_to_domain_count [toSql "example.com"]
66 -- Nothing
67 --
68 -- >>> list_to_domain_count [toSql "example.com", toSql "example.com"]
69 -- Nothing
70 --
71 list_to_domain_count :: [SqlValue] -> Maybe DomainCount
72 list_to_domain_count (domain:count:_)
73 | Right d <- safeFromSql domain,
74 Right c <- safeFromSql count = Just $ DomainCount d c
75 list_to_domain_count _ =
76 Nothing
79 -- | Convert a list of [SqlByteString, SqlByteString] to 'DomainUser's. If
80 -- the conversion doesn't work for some reason (bad data, not enough
81 -- columns, etc.), we return 'Nothing'.
82 --
83 -- Examples:
84 --
85 -- >>> import Database.HDBC ( toSql )
86 -- >>>
87 -- >>> list_to_domain_user [toSql "example.com", toSql "user1"]
88 -- Just (DomainUser "example.com" "user1")
89 --
90 -- >>> list_to_domain_user [toSql "example.com"]
91 -- Nothing
92 --
93 list_to_domain_user :: [SqlValue] -> Maybe DomainUser
94 list_to_domain_user (domain:user:_)
95 | Right d <- safeFromSql domain,
96 Right u <- safeFromSql user = Just $ DomainUser d u
97 list_to_domain_user _ =
98 Nothing
101 report_summary :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
102 report_summary conn = do
103 list_rows <- quickQuery conn query []
104 let maybe_domain_counts = map list_to_domain_count list_rows
105 let domain_counts = catMaybes maybe_domain_counts
106 return $ header ++ (concatMap show domain_counts)
107 where
108 header = "mailbox-count summary report" ++
109 "----------------------------"
111 query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) " ++
112 "FROM mailbox " ++
113 "GROUP BY domain "++
114 "ORDER BY domain;"
117 -- | Construct a Domain -> [Username] (a DomainUserMap) map from a
118 -- list of 'DomainUser's. We do this with a fold over the list of
119 -- 'DomainUser's, appending each new user to the list associated
120 -- with the domain that the user is paired with.
121 --
122 -- The [Username] lists (the values stored in the map) are kept in
123 -- the same order as they are given.
124 --
125 -- Examples:
126 --
127 -- >>> let du1 = DomainUser "example.com" "user1"
128 -- >>> let du2 = DomainUser "example.com" "user2"
129 -- >>> let du3 = DomainUser "example.net" "user3"
130 -- >>> construct_domain_user_map [du1,du2,du3]
131 -- fromList [("example.com",["user1","user2"]),("example.net",["user3"])]
132 --
133 -- >>> construct_domain_user_map [du2,du1,du3]
134 -- fromList [("example.com",["user2","user1"]),("example.net",["user3"])]
135 --
136 construct_domain_user_map :: [DomainUser] -> DomainUserMap
137 construct_domain_user_map dus =
138 foldl' append_this_du Map.empty dus
139 where
140 append_func :: Username -> (Maybe [Username]) -> (Maybe [Username])
141 append_func user maybe_userlist =
142 case maybe_userlist of
143 Just userlist -> Just (userlist ++ [user])
144 Nothing -> Just [user]
146 append_this_du :: DomainUserMap -> DomainUser -> DomainUserMap
147 append_this_du du_map (DomainUser domain user) =
148 Map.alter (append_func user) domain du_map
151 report_detail :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
152 report_detail conn = do
153 list_rows <- quickQuery conn query []
154 let maybe_domain_users = map list_to_domain_user list_rows
155 let domain_users = catMaybes maybe_domain_users
156 let domain_users_map = construct_domain_user_map domain_users
157 return ""
158 where
159 query = "SELECT domain,username " ++
160 "FROM mailbox " ++
161 "ORDER BY domain;"
164 report_both :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
165 report_both conn = do
166 rs <- report_summary conn
167 rd <- report_detail conn
168 return (rs ++ rd)
170 report :: IConnection a => a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO String
171 report conn do_both do_detail =
172 if do_both
173 then (report_both conn)
174 else if do_detail then (report_detail conn) else (report_summary conn)
177 connection_string :: Configuration -> String
178 connection_string cfg =
179 "host=" ++ (host cfg) ++ " " ++
180 "port=" ++ (show $ port cfg) ++ " " ++
181 "user=" ++ (username cfg) ++ " " ++
182 "password=" ++ (password cfg) ++ " " ++
183 "dbname=" ++ (database cfg)
185 main :: IO ()
186 main = do
187 rc_cfg <- OC.from_rc
188 cmd_cfg <- get_args
190 -- Merge the config file options with the command-line ones,
191 -- prefering the command-line ones.
192 let opt_config = rc_cfg <> cmd_cfg
194 -- Update a default config with any options that have been set in
195 -- either the config file or on the command-line. We initialize
196 -- logging before the missing parameter checks below so that we can
197 -- log the errors.
198 let cfg = (def :: Configuration) `merge_optional` opt_config
200 -- Check the optional config for missing required options.
201 --when (isNothing (OC.password opt_config)) $ do
202 -- report_error "No password supplied."
203 -- exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_password)
205 --when (isNothing (OC.username opt_config)) $ do
206 -- report_error "No username supplied."
207 --exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_username)
209 conn <- connectPostgreSQL (connection_string cfg)
210 r <- report conn (both cfg) (detail cfg)
211 putStrLn r
212 disconnect conn