]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - IVP.hs
[numerical-analysis.git] / IVP.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 -- | Numerical solution of the initial value problem,
4 --
5 -- y'(x) = f(x, y(x))
6 -- y'(x0) = y0
7 --
8 -- for x in [x0, xN].
9 --
11 module ODE.IVP
12 where
14 import Misc (partition)
17 -- | A single iteration of Euler's method over the interval
18 -- [$x0$, $x0$+$h$].
19 --
20 -- Examples:
21 --
22 -- >>> let x0 = 0.0
23 -- >>> let y0 = 1.0
24 -- >>> let h = 1.0
25 -- >>> let f x y = y
26 -- >>> eulers_method1 x0 y0 f h
27 -- 2.0
28 --
29 eulers_method1 :: (RealFrac a, RealFrac b)
30 => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
31 -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
32 -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
33 -> a -- ^ The step size h.
34 -> b
35 eulers_method1 x0 y0 f h =
36 y0 + h'*y'
37 where
38 h' = realToFrac h
39 y' = (f x0 y0)
42 -- | Perform $n$ iterations of Euler's method over the interval [$x0$,
43 -- $xN$]. The step size `h` will be calculated automatically. A list
44 -- of y-values will be returned.
45 --
46 -- The explicit 'forall' in the type signature allows us to refer
47 -- back to the type variables 'a' and 'b' in the 'where' clause.
48 --
49 -- Examples:
50 --
51 -- >>> let x0 = 0.0
52 -- >>> let xN = 1.0
53 -- >>> let y0 = 1.0
54 -- >>> let f x y = y
55 -- >>> let ys = eulers_method x0 xN y0 f 10000
56 -- >>> let yN = head $ reverse ys
57 -- >>> abs ((exp 1) - yN) < 1/10^3
58 -- True
59 -- >>> head ys == y0
60 -- True
61 --
62 eulers_method :: forall a b c. (RealFrac a, RealFrac b, Integral c)
63 => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
64 -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
65 -> a -- ^ xN, the terminal point
66 -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
67 -> c -- ^ n, the number of intervals to use.
68 -> [b]
69 eulers_method x0 y0 xN f n =
70 y0 : go xs y0 f
71 where
72 xs = partition n x0 xN
74 -- The 'go' function actually does all the work. It takes a list
75 -- of intervals [(v0,v1), (v1, v2)...] and peels off the first
76 -- one. It then runs the single-step Euler's method on that
77 -- interval, and afterwards recurses down the rest of the list.
78 --
79 go :: [(a,a)] -> b -> (a -> b -> b) -> [b]
80 go [] _ _ = []
81 go ((v0,v1):rest) w0 g = w1 : (go rest w1 g)
82 where
83 w1 = eulers_method1 v0 w0 g (v1 - v0)
86 -- | Perform as many iterations of Euler's method over the interval
87 -- [$x0$, $xN$] as is necessary for the given step size $h$. The
88 -- number of subintervals `n` will be calculated automatically. A
89 -- list of y-values will be returned.
90 --
91 -- The implementation simply computes `n` from the length of the
92 -- interval and the given $h$, and then calls 'eulers_method'.
93 --
94 -- Examples:
95 --
96 -- >>> let x0 = 0.0
97 -- >>> let xN = 1.0
98 -- >>> let y0 = 1.0
99 -- >>> let f x y = y
100 -- >>> let ys = eulers_method x0 xN y0 f 10
101 -- >>> let ys' = eulers_methodH x0 xN y0 f 0.1
102 -- >>> ys == ys'
103 -- True
104 --
105 eulers_methodH :: (RealFrac a, RealFrac b)
106 => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
107 -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
108 -> a -- ^ xN, the terminal point
109 -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
110 -> a -- ^ h, the step size.
111 -> [b]
112 eulers_methodH x0 y0 xN f h =
113 eulers_method x0 y0 xN f n
114 where
115 n :: Integer
116 n = floor $ (xN - x0) / h