]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - spline3.git/blob - FunctionValues.hs
[spline3.git] / FunctionValues.hs
1 -- | The FunctionValues module contains the 'FunctionValues' type and
2 -- the functions used to manipulate it.
3 module FunctionValues (
4 FunctionValues,
5 empty_values,
6 eval,
7 make_values,
8 rotate,
9 function_values_tests,
10 function_values_properties,
11 value_at
12 )
13 where
15 import Prelude hiding (LT)
16 import Test.HUnit
17 import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
18 import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
19 import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
20 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), choose)
22 import Assertions (assertTrue)
23 import Cardinal ( Cardinal(..), cwx, cwy, cwz )
24 import Examples (trilinear)
25 import Values (Values3D, dims, idx)
27 -- | The FunctionValues type represents the value of our function f at
28 -- the 27 points surrounding (and including) the center of a
29 -- cube. Each value of f can be accessed by the name of its
30 -- direction.
31 data FunctionValues =
32 FunctionValues { front :: Double,
33 back :: Double,
34 left :: Double,
35 right :: Double,
36 top :: Double,
37 down :: Double,
38 front_left :: Double,
39 front_right :: Double,
40 front_down :: Double,
41 front_top :: Double,
42 back_left :: Double,
43 back_right :: Double,
44 back_down :: Double,
45 back_top :: Double,
46 left_down :: Double,
47 left_top :: Double,
48 right_down :: Double,
49 right_top :: Double,
50 front_left_down :: Double,
51 front_left_top :: Double,
52 front_right_down :: Double,
53 front_right_top :: Double,
54 back_left_down :: Double,
55 back_left_top :: Double,
56 back_right_down :: Double,
57 back_right_top :: Double,
58 interior :: Double }
59 deriving (Eq, Show)
62 instance Arbitrary FunctionValues where
63 arbitrary = do
64 front' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
65 back' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
66 left' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
67 right' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
68 top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
69 down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
70 front_left' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
71 front_right' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
72 front_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
73 front_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
74 back_left' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
75 back_right' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
76 back_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
77 back_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
78 left_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
79 left_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
80 right_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
81 right_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
82 front_left_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
83 front_left_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
84 front_right_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
85 front_right_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
86 back_left_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
87 back_left_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
88 back_right_top' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
89 back_right_down' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
90 interior' <- choose (min_double, max_double)
92 return empty_values { front = front',
93 back = back',
94 left = left',
95 right = right',
96 top = top',
97 down = down',
98 front_left = front_left',
99 front_right = front_right',
100 front_top = front_top',
101 front_down = front_down',
102 back_left = back_left',
103 back_right = back_right',
104 back_top = back_top',
105 back_down = back_down',
106 left_top = left_top',
107 left_down = left_down',
108 right_top = right_top',
109 right_down = right_down',
110 front_left_top = front_left_top',
111 front_left_down = front_left_down',
112 front_right_top = front_right_top',
113 front_right_down = front_right_down',
114 back_left_top = back_left_top',
115 back_left_down = back_left_down',
116 back_right_top = back_right_top',
117 back_right_down = back_right_down',
118 interior = interior' }
119 where
120 -- | We perform addition with the function values contained in a
121 -- FunctionValues object. If we choose random doubles near the machine
122 -- min/max, we risk overflowing or underflowing the 'Double'. This
123 -- places a reasonably safe limit on the maximum size of our generated
124 -- 'Double' members.
125 max_double :: Double
126 max_double = 10000.0
128 -- | See 'max_double'.
129 min_double :: Double
130 min_double = (-1) * max_double
133 -- | Return a 'FunctionValues' with a bunch of zeros for data points.
134 empty_values :: FunctionValues
135 empty_values =
136 FunctionValues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
138 -- | The eval function is where the magic happens for the
139 -- FunctionValues type. Given a 'Cardinal' direction and a
140 -- 'FunctionValues' object, eval will return the value of the
141 -- function f in that 'Cardinal' direction. Note that 'Cardinal' can
142 -- be a composite type; eval is what performs the \"arithmetic\" on
143 -- 'Cardinal' directions.
144 eval :: FunctionValues -> Cardinal -> Double
145 eval f F = front f
146 eval f B = back f
147 eval f L = left f
148 eval f R = right f
149 eval f T = top f
150 eval f D = down f
151 eval f FL = front_left f
152 eval f FR = front_right f
153 eval f FD = front_down f
154 eval f FT = front_top f
155 eval f BL = back_left f
156 eval f BR = back_right f
157 eval f BD = back_down f
158 eval f BT = back_top f
159 eval f LD = left_down f
160 eval f LT = left_top f
161 eval f RD = right_down f
162 eval f RT = right_top f
163 eval f FLD = front_left_down f
164 eval f FLT = front_left_top f
165 eval f FRD = front_right_down f
166 eval f FRT = front_right_top f
167 eval f BLD = back_left_down f
168 eval f BLT = back_left_top f
169 eval f BRD = back_right_down f
170 eval f BRT = back_right_top f
171 eval f I = interior f
172 eval _ (Scalar x) = x
173 eval f (Sum x y) = (eval f x) + (eval f y)
174 eval f (Difference x y) = (eval f x) - (eval f y)
175 eval f (Product x y) = (eval f x) * (eval f y)
176 eval f (Quotient x y) = (eval f x) / (eval f y)
178 -- | Takes a three-dimensional list of 'Double' and a set of 3D
179 -- coordinates (i,j,k), and returns the value at (i,j,k) in the
180 -- supplied list. If there is no such value, we calculate one
181 -- according to Sorokina and Zeilfelder, remark 7.3, p. 99.
182 --
183 -- We specifically do not consider values more than one unit away
184 -- from our grid.
185 --
186 -- Examples:
187 --
188 -- >>> value_at Examples.trilinear 0 0 0
189 -- 1.0
190 --
191 -- >>> value_at Examples.trilinear (-1) 0 0
192 -- 0.0
193 --
194 -- >>> value_at Examples.trilinear 0 0 4
195 -- 1.0
196 --
197 -- >>> value_at Examples.trilinear 1 3 0
198 -- 5.0
199 --
200 value_at :: Values3D -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double
201 value_at v3d i j k
202 -- Put the most common case first!
203 | (valid_i i) && (valid_j j) && (valid_k k) =
204 idx v3d i j k
206 -- The next three are from the first line in (7.3). Analogous cases
207 -- have been added where the indices are one-too-big. These are the
208 -- "one index is bad" cases.
209 | not (valid_i i) =
210 if (i == -1)
211 then
212 2*(value_at v3d 0 j k) - (value_at v3d 1 j k)
213 else
214 2*(value_at v3d (i-1) j k) - (value_at v3d (i-2) j k)
216 | not (valid_j j) =
217 if (j == -1)
218 then
219 2*(value_at v3d i 0 k) - (value_at v3d i 1 k)
220 else
221 2*(value_at v3d i (j-1) k) - (value_at v3d i (j-2) k)
223 | not (valid_k k) =
224 if (k == -1)
225 then
226 2*(value_at v3d i j 0) - (value_at v3d i j 1)
227 else
228 2*(value_at v3d i j (k-1)) - (value_at v3d i j (k-2))
230 | otherwise =
231 let istr = show i
232 jstr = show j
233 kstr = show k
234 coordstr = "(" ++ istr ++ "," ++ jstr ++ "," ++ kstr ++ ")"
235 in
236 error $ "value_at called outside of domain: " ++ coordstr
237 where
238 (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims v3d
240 valid_i :: Int -> Bool
241 valid_i i' = (i' >= 0) && (i' < xsize)
243 valid_j :: Int -> Bool
244 valid_j j' = (j' >= 0) && (j' < ysize)
246 valid_k :: Int -> Bool
247 valid_k k' = (k' >= 0) && (k' < zsize)
251 -- | Given a three-dimensional list of 'Double' and a set of 3D
252 -- coordinates (i,j,k), constructs and returns the 'FunctionValues'
253 -- object centered at (i,j,k)
254 make_values :: Values3D -> Int -> Int -> Int -> FunctionValues
255 make_values values i j k =
256 empty_values { front = value_at values (i-1) j k,
257 back = value_at values (i+1) j k,
258 left = value_at values i (j-1) k,
259 right = value_at values i (j+1) k,
260 down = value_at values i j (k-1),
261 top = value_at values i j (k+1),
262 front_left = value_at values (i-1) (j-1) k,
263 front_right = value_at values (i-1) (j+1) k,
264 front_down =value_at values (i-1) j (k-1),
265 front_top = value_at values (i-1) j (k+1),
266 back_left = value_at values (i+1) (j-1) k,
267 back_right = value_at values (i+1) (j+1) k,
268 back_down = value_at values (i+1) j (k-1),
269 back_top = value_at values (i+1) j (k+1),
270 left_down = value_at values i (j-1) (k-1),
271 left_top = value_at values i (j-1) (k+1),
272 right_down = value_at values i (j+1) (k-1),
273 right_top = value_at values i (j+1) (k+1),
274 front_left_down = value_at values (i-1) (j-1) (k-1),
275 front_left_top = value_at values (i-1) (j-1) (k+1),
276 front_right_down = value_at values (i-1) (j+1) (k-1),
277 front_right_top = value_at values (i-1) (j+1) (k+1),
278 back_left_down = value_at values (i+1) (j-1) (k-1),
279 back_left_top = value_at values (i+1) (j-1) (k+1),
280 back_right_down = value_at values (i+1) (j+1) (k-1),
281 back_right_top = value_at values (i+1) (j+1) (k+1),
282 interior = value_at values i j k }
284 -- | Takes a 'FunctionValues' and a function that transforms one
285 -- 'Cardinal' to another (called a rotation). Then it applies the
286 -- rotation to each element of the 'FunctionValues' object, and
287 -- returns the result.
288 rotate :: (Cardinal -> Cardinal) -> FunctionValues -> FunctionValues
289 rotate rotation fv =
290 FunctionValues { front = eval fv (rotation F),
291 back = eval fv (rotation B),
292 left = eval fv (rotation L),
293 right = eval fv (rotation R),
294 down = eval fv (rotation D),
295 top = eval fv (rotation T),
296 front_left = eval fv (rotation FL),
297 front_right = eval fv (rotation FR),
298 front_down = eval fv (rotation FD),
299 front_top = eval fv (rotation FT),
300 back_left = eval fv (rotation BL),
301 back_right = eval fv (rotation BR),
302 back_down = eval fv (rotation BD),
303 back_top = eval fv (rotation BT),
304 left_down = eval fv (rotation LD),
305 left_top = eval fv (rotation LT),
306 right_down = eval fv (rotation RD),
307 right_top = eval fv (rotation RT),
308 front_left_down = eval fv (rotation FLD),
309 front_left_top = eval fv (rotation FLT),
310 front_right_down = eval fv (rotation FRD),
311 front_right_top = eval fv (rotation FRT),
312 back_left_down = eval fv (rotation BLD),
313 back_left_top = eval fv (rotation BLT),
314 back_right_down = eval fv (rotation BRD),
315 back_right_top = eval fv (rotation BRT),
316 interior = interior fv }
320 -- | Ensure that the trilinear values wind up where we think they
321 -- should.
322 test_directions :: Assertion
323 test_directions =
324 assertTrue "all direction functions work" (and equalities)
325 where
326 fvs = make_values trilinear 1 1 1
327 equalities = [ interior fvs == 4,
328 front fvs == 1,
329 back fvs == 7,
330 left fvs == 2,
331 right fvs == 6,
332 down fvs == 3,
333 top fvs == 5,
334 front_left fvs == 1,
335 front_right fvs == 1,
336 front_down fvs == 1,
337 front_top fvs == 1,
338 back_left fvs == 3,
339 back_right fvs == 11,
340 back_down fvs == 5,
341 back_top fvs == 9,
342 left_down fvs == 2,
343 left_top fvs == 2,
344 right_down fvs == 4,
345 right_top fvs == 8,
346 front_left_down fvs == 1,
347 front_left_top fvs == 1,
348 front_right_down fvs == 1,
349 front_right_top fvs == 1,
350 back_left_down fvs == 3,
351 back_left_top fvs == 3,
352 back_right_down fvs == 7,
353 back_right_top fvs == 15]
356 function_values_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
357 function_values_tests =
358 testGroup "FunctionValues Tests"
359 [ testCase "test directions" test_directions ]
362 prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front :: FunctionValues -> Bool
363 prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front fv0 =
364 expr1 == expr2
365 where
366 fv1 = rotate cwx fv0
367 expr1 = front fv0
368 expr2 = front fv1
370 prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back :: FunctionValues -> Bool
371 prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back fv0 =
372 expr1 == expr2
373 where
374 fv1 = rotate cwx fv0
375 expr1 = back fv0
376 expr2 = back fv1
379 prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left :: FunctionValues -> Bool
380 prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left fv0 =
381 expr1 == expr2
382 where
383 fv1 = rotate cwy fv0
384 expr1 = left fv0
385 expr2 = left fv1
387 prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right :: FunctionValues -> Bool
388 prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right fv0 =
389 expr1 == expr2
390 where
391 fv1 = rotate cwy fv0
392 expr1 = right fv0
393 expr2 = right fv1
396 prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down :: FunctionValues -> Bool
397 prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down fv0 =
398 expr1 == expr2
399 where
400 fv1 = rotate cwz fv0
401 expr1 = down fv0
402 expr2 = down fv1
405 prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top :: FunctionValues -> Bool
406 prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top fv0 =
407 expr1 == expr2
408 where
409 fv1 = rotate cwz fv0
410 expr1 = top fv0
411 expr2 = top fv1
414 function_values_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
415 function_values_properties =
416 let tp = testProperty
417 in
418 testGroup "FunctionValues Properties" [
419 tp "x rotation doesn't affect front" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front,
420 tp "x rotation doesn't affect back" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back,
421 tp "y rotation doesn't affect left" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left,
422 tp "y rotation doesn't affect right" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right,
423 tp "z rotation doesn't affect top" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top,
424 tp "z rotation doesn't affect down" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down ]